Do you know why you need a great stay-at-home mom schedule, momma?
Most moms create a rigid, boring daily schedule and stick to it no matter what because they think they have to.
And then they wind up bored out of their minds and unhappy with their life because they are not doing the things that they love.
And they hate being a sahm.
Is that you, momma?
Forcing a stay-at-home mom schedule that does not fit you leads to frustration

More and more moms are facing the consequences of rigid, forced days at home. Daily sahm schedules that just do not work for them.
And these moms stick to these schedules, day in and day out because they think they have to. They think they are doing the things that they need to do, to be a good mom. And it sucks. They hate it.
But they think it’s just a matter of discipline and self-sacrifice. 🤷🏻♀️
And they wind up feeling frustrated, unsettled, and incomplete – like something is missing in their lives.

But some moms, momma… some moms are making a meaningful shift right now. These moms are creating a stay-at-home mom schedule that supports their values and their priorities.
Supporting your values with your stay-at-home mom schedule creates a life you will love

These moms are rockin’ it!!
They are the moms that stay home and care for their babies, day in and day out, and LOVE it.
Because these are the moms who also find time to do the things that they love –
And they are all around us!!
These are the moms that are starting and running their own businesses!! Moms like Elna, who is raising twins while working from home as a freelance writer and blogger!
They are the moms out there running marathons or getting in the best physical shape of their lives! Moms like Molly, marathoner, and mother of four!!
And they are the moms just like you and me, who are following their own passions and desires –
While staying at home to care for their babies.
Yes, you can do it, too, momma. You can rock that sahm gig!
But you need to create a stay-at-home mom schedule that works for your kids AND you!!
Because if you don’t, you risk being stuck, lonely, and utterly unfulfilled.
Your daily sahm schedule can enable you to rock the sahm gig…or it can slowly kill your joy

With a horrible stay-at-home mom schedule, we risk monotonous days full of frustration, resentment, and a longing for something better. And if we parent from a place like THAT – well, we’ll parent with resentment.
And that resentment will affect our children and our home life.
The atmosphere inside our homes will be tense and our relationships strained. Everyone will slowly drift away from each other, until your home resembles exactly what you were trying to avoid, by staying home in the first place.
It’s our job, as moms, to set the tone in our homes.
Let me help you create the perfect stay-at-home mom schedule

And it’s my mission to show you how!!
By creating a daily stay-at-home mom schedule that does not keep you trapped in a rigid routine of things you feel you have to do, but instead, gives you the freedom to pursue the things that sets your soul on fire!!

So, who do you want to be?

Do you want to be the type of mom who chooses to do the same old things, day in and day out, because that’s what everyone tells you a good mom does?
Or, do you want to break out of that disciplined drudgery and be the type of mom who fills her day with the things that really matter?
If that’s you, momma, here’s how to get started:
Wanna Create the Best Ever Stay at Home Mom Schedule? Here’s How!
3 Quick Ways to the Perfect Stay-at-Home Mom Routine
How to Create a Daily Sahm Routine Using Time Chunking