Being a stay-at-home mom can be both challenging and rewarding on its own but add in working from home and you’ve got a whole new level of multitasking!
While working from home can be a great way to earn a living and be present for your family, it can be tough to set and maintain boundaries for both yourself and your family.
Just last night my husband surprised me by saying he was going to be home today! And would I like to have breakfast with him in the tree house? 🙏🏻
It’s such a simple request, really. But on Friday mornings I:
- Edit, optimize, and submit all client posts
- Schedule next week’s Facebook group posts for my client
- Schedule next week’s Facebook page posts for my client
- Post a welcome Facebook group post for my client
- Answer emails on behalf of my client
- Comment on Facebook posts in my client’s group
- Write a “one-shot blog post” (This one!! More on why I’m doing this another day.)
- And today I actually have to email my list because I didn’t get that done yesterday.
And that’s just the mornings! 😱
So, because I love my husband, and he makes a good breakfast 😁 and I love eating in the treehouse, I said yes.
But I warned him that I can’t play today!! I have work to do! In the afternoon I have to write my own blog post and work on client printables. 😂🤣
He said okay. He understands.
See, I’ve been working with him for the past year or so on boundaries, momma. 😂😂
The more money I make, the less money he has to make. Which means he doesn’t have to work so hard and can be home enjoying his family and yard (and treehouse!) more.
But in order to make that money, I actually have to work! 😆
He likes money, so he respects my boundaries. 🤷🏻♀️
It’s not so easy with other family members though. Or friends.
I’m sure you can relate!
People think that just because you stay home, you are free to do all sorts of things! It’s like you do nothing all day but sit on the couch and wait for them to come a’calling! 😆 I’m sure you see this too.
Everyone thinks they can:
- Drop by unannounced for a “quick visit”
- Ask you to do their errands for them, because hey – they work!
- Babysit their kids
- Call you on the phone and talk for two hours
- Have “play dates”
And so much more!
And while we are stay-at-home moms because we want to be available for our families, and especially for our kids, we do have to set some boundaries.
Or we’ll never get any work done, and we won’t be able to make that money that allows us to stay home in the first place!!
So, to help you stay focused and maintain a healthy work-life balance, here are some tips on how to set and maintain boundaries as a work-at-home mom!!
Read them, study them, and use them, momma! Because one day real soon your husband will surprise you with a breakfast date. 😁
(Hey! I just realized he forgot the mimosa!! He usually makes me a mimosa for our breakfast dates! 😆)
Create a schedule and stick to it
Setting a schedule is one of the most effective things you can do to set boundaries for yourself and your family.
Create a schedule that includes working hours, breaks, and time for your family, and stick to it as much as possible!!
Let your family know when you’ll be working and when you’re available, so they know when to respect your work time and when you are free to play.
This isn’t easy to do, momma. I know. But it is so worth it in the end!!
Create a designated workspace
Creating a designated workspace in your home can help you set boundaries between your work and home life. Find a space in your home where you can work uninterrupted and create a setup that feels professional and conducive to productivity.
This will help you focus on work when you’re in that space and avoid distractions from your family.
When we moved, we turned the basement bedroom into my office. That meant that four of my five boys had to share a room (Toots is the lucky one that gets his own room.)
I felt so guilty for taking up a bedroom when I could work at the dining room table!!! But my husband insisted.
And it was a brilliant decision. He’s waaayyy better at setting boundaries than me!
Eliminate distractions
Distractions can be the enemy of productivity when working from home!! And there are TONS of them.
Whether it’s social media, household chores, or your family, distractions can quickly pull you away from your work.
Do your best to eliminate any distractions that might arise during your workday, such as turning off notifications on your phone or asking your family not to disturb you during certain hours.
I’ve even started leaving my household chores for later in the day! 😱 I pretend I’m going to work, same as I would at a job outside my home.
I walk away from my household chores and walk to my office. 🤣😂
Unfortunately, the chores are waiting for me “when I come home”, same as they would be if I worked outside of the home! 😆
Communicate with your family
Communication is key to setting and maintaining boundaries as a work-at-home mom.
Talk to your family about your work needs, schedule, and expectations, and listen to their needs as well.
Finding a balance that works for everyone can help you maintain a healthy work-life balance.
And remember, your family members are going to test your boundaries. They will check to see how serious you are about this new work schedule. Just like a kid will test the rules. 🤣😂
So, stick to your guns, momma! If you give in once or twice, you just taught your family that you aren’t really serious about working from home after all. 🤷🏻♀️
Take breaks and practice self-care
While it’s important to set boundaries between work and home life, it’s also important to take breaks and practice self-care.
But this is so hard to do!! Believe me, I know.
Taking breaks throughout the day can actually boost productivity and help you recharge, though. So make time for self-care activities like exercise, prayer, or reading, and schedule them into your day just like you would your work.
Setting and maintaining boundaries as a work-at-home mom can be a challenge, but it’s so important for maintaining a healthy work-life balance!!
By creating a schedule, setting up a designated workspace, eliminating distractions, communicating with your family, and taking breaks, you can find a balance that works for you and your family.
Remember, it’s okay to say no and prioritize your work needs – you are a mom and a professional, and both are important parts of who you are!!
You’ve got this momma!