Do you know you need a better stay-at-home mom routine, momma?
Is your day absolute chaos?
If your daily sahm routine is not working for you, it could be because you have your priorities all wrong.
Are you trying to be everything, for everybody?
Do you try to be who your mom thinks you should be? Are you doing the things your best friend says you should do? Or, are you filling your day full of activities that your sister says are important?
Your daily sahm schedule needs to be real and true to who you are, momma. Not who you think you should be. Or who other people say you should be!
Be honest with yourself: you have your ideal day at home in the back of your mind, don’t you? You want those amazing moments with your babies – those warm fuzzy memories to look back on.
- Maybe you want a clean house (🙋🏻♀️ )
- Pulling your family together around the dinner table at night sounds nice
- You want crafts and activities you can do with your kids
- The idea of long, lazy days outside in the sun sounds wonderful… blowing bubbles and chasing toddlers…☺️
- And you really like to be involved with your community – especially lately, with all the craziness going on in this world!
You know what you want your day to look like.
And….you know what your day really looks like. 😬
So, how do you go from what you have to what you want?
Easy steps to a great stay-at-home mom routine

Well, first you have to identify what your family values are, momma. Not your mom’s, or your best friend’s, or even your sister’s. Or anyone else’s for that matter.
And then, you have to figure out what activities represent your values, and fill your stay-at-home mom routine with those activities.
And finally, you have to let go of the stuff that does not matter to you. Get it out of your stay-at-home mom routine!
And don’t feel guilty about it, either, momma. ☺️
It’s time to be true to who you are! It’s the only way you’ll truly be happy.
And we all know that if momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. 😁
1. Before creating your stay-at-home mom routine, identify your values

To figure out what your values are, grab a cup of coffee and your hubby! Sit down and talk about what it is you really value, as a family.
Is it spending time together? Playing? Education or homeschooling? Being a part of your community?
Be sure to consider what it is that you value as an individual as well, and why you decided to stay home with your kids in the first place.
Your reason for staying home with them will guide you when identifying your true values.
List out your values in one column

Then grab a sheet of paper and make two columns. List out everything that you value.
Things that you care about. Not what Pinterest or Facebook says a good mom should care about. Not what your sister, mom, or best friend says is important.
List out the activities that relate to that value in the second column

Then, in the second column, list out all of the activities that correspond to that value.
For example, if you value spending time with your kids, the activities that correspond to that value would be things like:
- playing together
- watching movies together
- doing crafts together
- going places together
If you value education, you might consider:
- homeschooling
- educational crafts and activities
- field trips
- reading
- science experiments
And if you value homemaking, you might like to:
- create home-cooked meals
- keep a clean, organized home
- run errands
- bake
- manage the finances
After you have your list, make sure those activities get into your daily schedule!
You do that, and I guarantee that you will feel better throughout the day. And live life the way you’ve always wanted to.
And be a better mom. 😉
Here’s what mine looks like:
My daily stay-at-home mom routine will be entirely different than yours! We value different things.
Without the added stress of trying to take on what other people thought was important, I had the time to give to the things I truly thought were important – my babies. My husband. And my house.
That is what you need to be doing, too, momma!!
2. For the best stay-at-home mom routine, prioritize activities related to your values

When I had to homeschool during quarantine, I hated it!! Homeschooling is not something I value. 😆
Education is, but not homeschooling.
I value the social aspect of a public school system and I value my own time. 🤣 😂
When I had to squeeze in homeschooling, I had to give up an activity that I valued. And that made for a crabby momma. 😉
There are times when we have to do things we don’t like to do. Homeschooling is one example. I don’t like doing it; it’s not how I prefer to spend my time. I’d rather someone else teach my child. 😂 🤣
But when it comes right down to it, I value a good education. So, if no one else can teach my child, for whatever reason, then I must.
To do it, I had to give up other things I valued.
That’s where the prioritization comes in. 😉
How to prioritize your daily sahm activities

When you prioritize your daily activities, start with the things you must do.
I had to homeschool my kids. There was no way around that. So, I blocked off the time I needed for homeschooling.
Block off all the time that you need, for the activities that you must do. These might be things like:
- homeschooling
- doctors appointments
- running errands
- transporting kids to extra-curricular activities
After you have all of your must-haves on your schedule, then you can fill in the rest of the day with the things you value the most.
But, there won’t be enough time for all of them. So, you have to pick and choose what you value the most.
When I had to fit in homeschooling, something had to give. Spending time with my kids is my number one priority. It is why I decided to stay home. Managing my house is my second priority.
So, I gave up freelance writing and blogging. It sucked, and I didn’t want to do it, but other things were priority.
Take a moment to reassess your daily routine. Is it full of activities that you value? Are those activities filling your cup? Or making you crabby?
If what you are doing on a daily basis is making you crabby, momma, then you probably have all of the wrong activities in there! It’s time to prioritize.
3. And finally, for the perfect stay-at-home mom routine, let go of the activities that do not represent your values

When you prioritize your values, you have to let go of some things.
When I had to let go of freelancing, it made me crabby. But, I could do it, because it was only for a few months.
If you have to let something go that you value, remember that it isn’t permanent. It is only for the season that you are in. There will be a time – very soon – that you can add it back into your daily sahm schedule.
But, with that said, there are some things you should definitely let go of permanently:
💥 Everyone else’s idea of what a good mom looks like.
💥 Your need to be a perfect mom.
💥 A schedule full of all the crap that everyone else says you should value.
💥 And your fear of judgment.
It’s time to be true to who you are, momma!
When I was first staying home with my babies, I had to let go of *a lot*.
For instance, I didn’t always have the time to attend all of the community events that a *good* mom goes to.
I didn’t have time to volunteer or be an active part of my community. I tried; really I did.
I remember volunteering for the Sports Booster’s Club and killing my family to make it happen. 😂🤣Serving pizza with little kids in the school kitchen isn’t recommended!
I wanted to do the right thing. But it was what other people said was the right thing.
It was NOT AT ALL what was right for me and my family at that point in our lives. And it added more stress to our days, weeks, and months.
So, I dropped out of a lot of things. I graciously declined even more. It was just too much.
I had to let that crap go.
Let it all go.
It doesn’t mean I will never volunteer. In fact, now that my twins are seven, I have time to volunteer! I served concessions at a football game and have helped out with decorating for post-prom. I can continue to add more things like that into my schedule now.
So, when you are filling your schedule with the activities that represent your values, let go of the activities that do not represent your current values.
And the activities that are not one of your core values.
Yes, they probably are still important. But you will have time down the road to take up those torches.
And then your momma, your sister, and your best friend can be proud of you. 😂 🤣
But for right now, what matters most is your babies, your husband – and you.
At the end of the day….

At the end of the day, momma, you stayed home to take care of your children and your family. You didn’t stay home to make your mom or girlfriends proud of you.
So, when you are creating your daily stay-at-home mom routine, fill it full of the activities that reflect your values, as a sahm. Not the things everyone else tells you to do!
Start by identifying your values, and then figure out what activities represent those values. And fill your schedule with those activities.
Then, let go of the stuff that doesn’t matter! You can do it another time. 😉
Doing this will free your days up to be perfect! You will have the perfect sahm routine, momma. Full of things that you love.
More on Sahm Routines
How to Make the Best Stay-at-Home Moms Schedule With an Infant
How to Create a Daily Schedule for Stay-at-Home Moms of Toddlers
How to Create The Best Morning Routine for Your Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule