9 Good Reasons You Should Start a SAHM Blog Today!

Are you thinking about starting a sahm blog, momma? Here are nine good reasons to get started! These are the top benefits moms find when…

Have you ever thought of starting a sahm blog, momma? 

Now might be a good time!  With prices as high as they are…and inflation as crazy as it is… It doesn’t take much to skew a sahm budget for the worse!

If you’ve been budgeting to be a stay at home mom, then a blog might help! 

I started my blog because my dad told me people were making money blogging.  😂🤣 

I laugh because the idea was so foreign to me!  I just didn’t understand how it was even possible to make money online, much less from writing.

But I knew I wanted to do it.  I love writing.  I love creating things. And I love sharing what I’m passionate about.

I had just had twins.  I was a stay at home mom of six boys.  I used to be a social worker.  And I was a darn good mom.  Well, most of the time.  😆

[Read: Wanna Create the Best Ever Stay at Home Mom Schedule? Here’s How!]

So, I thought maybe I could help other moms as well. 

And I fell in love!!

I absolutely love blogging!!  So much so, that I quickly started two more blogs.  🤦🏻‍♀️ 😂🤣  I jumped right in over my head!

Last year I let them go.  It was too much. 

But someday I’ll start more blogs.  😁

If you, too, have thought about starting a sahm blog, momma, here are nine reasons to get a move on it!!  😁

9 Reasons to Start a Blog as a SAHM

There are many reasons why sahms start blogs, momma. 

I started my blog for #1 and #7, but quickly discovered ALL of the benefits of starting a sahm blog.

[Read: How to Become a Stay at Home Mom: A Completely Honest Guide to Becoming a Sahm]

I hope you do, too!

1.  A sahm blog can make extra money for your family

How do people make money from blogging?  Easy! 

👉🏼  If you generate enough traffic, you can add those pesky little ads to your blog.  😆 People make A LOT of money off those things.  I absolutely DESPISE them. That is why you see no ads on Making Mommas.

👉🏼  If you generate enough traffic, you can also work with brands, and write sponsored posts for their products.  You see this a lot with more popular mom blogs.  Moms get paid to promote a product on their blog and social media channels. 

👉🏼  If you want to do product reviews, you can earn free products for your household – and even get paid for promoting the product.

👉🏼  You can offer a service. This is what I do.  I offer freelance writing as a service.  Offering a service is the fastest way to make money off a blog.  Many people start out with coaching services as well.

👉🏼  You can create and sell digital products.  This is something I just started doing, with printables.  I have an Etsy shop.  But you can also create courses, ebooks, and so much more! 

👉🏼  You can create and sell physical products.  It’s a bit more work. But, if you are great at, say, candle making, you can use a blog to sell your candles.

2.  Blogging gives you an outlet

Being a sahm is hard.  I remember when I first stayed home, the days were long and boring.  I mean, in between crying babies, of course.  😆

But when you spend the entire day – literally every waking moment – tending to someone else’s needs, it leaves you drained.

That all changed when I started blogging.  I suddenly had an outlet for all my frustration (and exhaustion!).  😂🤣  If you look back at my first posts, they were about the struggles I was going through at the time. 

Blogging gave me the chance to express my worries and frustrations.  And it can do the same for you!

[Read:  She Seems Perfectly Sane or Confessions of a Momma:  If I Had a Dollar… ]

3.  Blogging is a great way to meet other moms

I met my good friend Kim through blogging!!

She, too, is a sahm and a mom blogger.  And in our early days, we were both in a Facebook group together, and just kind of hit it off! We moved out of the group and stayed in touch through emails, texts, FB messaging, Voxer, and even Facetime.

We’ve talked a lot over the years now and continue to stay in touch. 

She kept me sane during those early years.  😁  And she lives in Georgia!  😆  (I live in Minnesota). We’ve never met in “real life”, but it doesn’t matter.

Blogging will help you to meet other moms and make connections.  You won’t feel so alone at home anymore, momma!

4.  Blogging gives you something all your own

Blogging gives you something all your own.  When you spend every day meeting the needs of others, it feels nice to have something all yours. 

My blog is my own little virtual world.  😆 At first, it was just a fun place to go and escape for a while.  But after I learned how to make money from it, I took it more seriously and started looking at how I could grow it and turn it into a thriving business.

And you can do the same!

5.  A sahm blog keeps you developing skills while you stay home

At this point in my life, I have no desire to return to the workforce.  But, at one point I did.

And you might.

And let’s face it:  as a stay at home mom, you lose a lot of skills.  I mean, if you don’t practice them, they’re gone.

Heck!  If you don’t practice how to talk to people, it’s gone!  🤣 😂  It’s a real thing – if you don’t practice your social skills, as a sahm, you risk becoming socially awkward! 

Anyways, blogging helps you to practice so many skills you will need when you return to the workforce. 

I’m not going to list them all, but a few that immediately come to mind are: 

  • Writing
  • Networking
  • business planning
  • strategic planning
  • time organization
  • writing goals and objectives
  • graphic design skills
  • all kinds of IT skills

6.  Blogging encourages you to continually learn something new

Likewise, blogging also keeps you hopping!  You are continuously learning something new. 

For example, just last Friday, I learned that I should be breaking my year down into campaigns!!  😱  Who knew?!?  😁

And I learned how to create the content needed to feed that campaign.  A very cool thing, momma.

But that’s pretty advanced blogging.  😁

As a beginner, you can expect to learn:

  • how to create a blog plan
  • how to set up your blog
  • how to use WordPress
  • how to write a blog post
  • how to engage your reader
  • how to use social media
  • how to create a pin for Pinterest
  • and all kinds of other stuff

Learning new skills will be invaluable if you decide to go back to work.  And if not, then what you learn will feed your new business.  So, it’s a win-win.

7.  Blogging allows you to help others

One of the biggest reasons I wanted to start a blog was to help other moms. 

As a social worker, I dedicated my career to helping moms.  So, it only made sense to find a way to continue that life mission, at home, with my kids.

A blog was perfect.

In the early years, I thought I was just going to teach parenting skills and techniques. 

And then, over the years, as I learned to follow my own passions, I slowly turned to helping other stay at home moms.

You have knowledge and expertise, momma, in something.  You know more about something than other people do, and you can easily teach that and help others with a blog about that topic!

The hardest part for most bloggers is to figure out what they want to blog about.  Most bloggers pivot a few times throughout their career until they finally land on a solid niche.

8.  A sahm blog can give you a way to explore and use your passion

Many moms will blog about something they are passionate about. For me, that was parenting and being a mom.  😁

But, when I first got my German Shepherd, I started a blog about German Shepherds.  😆 Because I wanted to learn about raising a German Shepherd, and I learn best by teaching.

I also started a blog about blogging.  😆

I’d recommend you start with just one blog, momma.  Three was too many.  So, choose just one passion, and fully explore it. With just one blog.  😉

9.  A sahm blog provides a creative outlet

And finally, blogging can give you a creative outlet, momma.  I absolutely LOVE the graphic design behind blogging.

Writing and publishing are fun.  But creating pins?  Love it!

Creating content upgrades and printables?  🙋🏻‍♀️  Sign me up!

And designing my website?  Well…let’s just say I’ve had to teach myself to STOP tinkering with the design of my website.  😂🤣

I like creating pretty things. 

I used to scrapbook.  I have not picked up a photo and some scissors since I started blogging.  😆

Blogging gives me the creative outlet I need.  It can do the same for you, as well.

At the end of the day….

9 good reasons you should start a sahm blog today!

There you have it, momma!  Nine reasons why you should start a sahm blog.

Blogging gives many moms much-needed extra income, allowing them to stay home and raise their families.  💕

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