Hey there Mommas!! Next year is fast approaching, but now is the time to start thinking about how to reach your goals.
Who here waits until December 31st to set their resolution?
It’s you, isn’t it?
You must be the January 1 girl!
The truth is, most people don’t starting thinking about goals until January is upon us.
And really, now is the time to be thinking about how to reach your goals.
If you want to be successful in reaching your goals come January, then you need to hit the ground running January first! And how can you do that, if you don’t know what your goal is or if you don’t have a plan of action?
As moms, we are natural goal-setters. We do it every day.
We set goals for our kids (Get straight A’s! Get accepted into college!)
We set goals for our spouses (Clean that garage! Remodel the house before graduation!)
And yes, we even set goals for ourselves. (Be a better mom! Exercise, exercise exercise!)
But how can we channel our natural goal-setting capabilities and get those skills to work for us?
In ten (not so easy!) steps, that’s how!
(Kind of) easy steps to reaching your goals
1. Identify your goal
You cannot attain what you haven’t first yet identified. How will you know what you are working towards? You need that picture-perfect end result in your mind – and it needs to be crystal clear. What does your life look like now that you have finally accomplished X? How has it improved your life? In what way will X make a difference? Why was it worth all of the effort? And why is X important to you?
2. Believe you can reach it
In order to reach your goal, you have to believe that you are capable of reaching your goal. If you doubt yourself, your ability to reach your goal will wilt and die. If you believe you can do it, then you will find ways to make it happen. Without belief and hope, you will give up on the first obstacle in your path.
3. Write it down
Every goal worth having is worth documenting. So write it down. Describe what your life will look like once you have achieved X. Come up with affirmations to help you reach your goal and write them down. Write down your plan to achieve X and definitely document your daily progress. It works for weight loss, it works for exercise, it works for finances and it will work for you!
This is powerful. What do you look like, when you are working towards that goal? How does it feel, to take those daily steps? Are you trying to eat healthier? Visualize yourself walking right past that cupcake. Feel that confidence, that power, in knowing that you have the discipline and strength to resist. Feel how your body feels when it is cleaner and free of toxins. See what your life looks like when you are a healthier woman, wife, and mother.
5. Create an action plan
Your plan needs to be simple. It needs to be smart. And it needs to be realistic. You can’t think you are going to pay off three years of bad debt by playing the lottery. That is not a good action plan. Think of the steps you will have to take daily to get you to your goal and write them down.
6. Commit to your goal
This is where grit, perseverance, and dedication all come into play. Every day wake up committing yourself to your goal. Remind yourself why you need to accomplish X. What is in it for you? What motivates you? And do what it takes to get it done. Don’t allow yourself to talk yourself out of it or give yourself excuses for not working towards X today.
7. Share your goal
This creates accountability. It’s easy to back out of working towards X if no one but you knows that you are trying to reach X. But if all of your friends or family know, it can be awkward to admit that you never met your goal. Sharing your goal makes it more real for you and a lot harder to back down or give up.
8. Stay focused
Keep your eye on that prize. Constantly visualize why you need to reach X. What will your life look like? What is your motivation to continue? Remind yourself over and over again why this is important. Create habits and routines to help you work towards your goals and find things that inspire you to continue.
9. Continuously re-evaluate your progress
Document your daily progress. Review this documentation at the end of the week. Where did you waiver? Where were you strong? What can you change in your daily routine to remove the temptation to give up? What can you add to help you stay on track? Is your action plan realistic? Do you need to bring in outside help?
10. Celebrate!
Celebrate small successes with rewards for yourself. It’s hard work to change a bad habit or introduce a new, good habit. You deserve to reward yourself for the small accomplishments along the way. And when you hit that goal, throw yourself a party!
That’s it. The ten (not-so-easy) steps to reaching your goal!
And because each step, in and of itself, can be incredibly daunting, I’m here to help you along the way. I’m your personal cheerleader! I’ll break down each step for you. By the time January hits, you will be well-prepared and on your way to reaching that goal!
Your Homework:
Start thinking about a goal you would like to accomplish. Most of us can name two or three right off the top of our heads. But, if it is hard for you to come up with something, then spend some time reviewing this past year. We only have a few months left this year. How did the year go? What were your successes? Failures? What can you do differently next year?
In the How to Reach Your Goals in Ten (Not So Easy!) Steps Series:
Three Dirty Secrets to Identifying Your Goal
How to Believe in Yourself Starting Now
Nine Different Ways You Can Put Your Goals in Writing
Five Techniques You Should Use to Visualize Your Goals
How to Turn Your Goals into an Action Plan
Four Powerful Reasons to Share Your Goals and How to Get Started
How to Stay Focused and Motivated When You Failed the First Time
2 thoughts on “How to Reach Your Goals In Ten (Not So Easy!) Steps”
Awesome ten-steps to achieving your goals! Reminds me of my own 10-step guide to slaying your goals. Together I think we’ve got 15 powerful steps! Woot! Love that you mentioned visualization as well as celebration. We always have to celebrate our achievements, it really does help us keep going.
I’m going to have to take a look at yours – I love the idea of 15 powerful steps! But that must mean I am missing some then? Does anyone reading this have any more steps to add to achieving your goals?