Sometimes, when I mention I’m a stay-at-home mom, I get that look of surprise and misunderstanding, as if it’s a luxury vacation. But it’s a full-time job, far from easy!
Being at home means I’m the CEO of the household, handling everything from budgeting to being the on-call nurse, chef, and teacher. It’s challenging and rewarding, yet without any coffee breaks or praise.

There are days I question my decision, but then those little smiles and giggles reaffirm my choice. We’re shaping the future, one day at a time, momma.
To those who think we’re just lounging around, I invite them to walk a mile in our slippers! Staying at home is a challenging, exhausting, yet ultimately rewarding job.
What is a Stay-at-Home Mom?

A Stay-at-Home Mom (often abbreviated as SAHM) is more than just a job title. It’s a role that encompasses countless responsibilities, requiring full-time dedication and round-the-clock availability.
From raising children to managing the household, we SAHMs take on the role of CEO, CFO, personal chef, chauffeur, event planner, teacher, nurse, comforter, cheerleader, and so much more!
We can’t fit everything we do into a tiny little job description, though. Our jobs as sahms are rooted in boundless love, tireless commitment, and a selfless willingness to put our families before our own needs.
From the moment the sun rises until it sets, (and even during the hours in between), our job as a SAHM never ends. There are no official paychecks at the end of the month either!
But we don’t care, do we momma? The rewards are immeasurable.
They come in the form of heartwarming giggles, the feeling of little arms wrapped tightly around our necks, and hearing those precious words, “I love you, Mommy,” at the end of the day. It’s the deep satisfaction that comes from nurturing and raising good human beings.
That’s who a sahm truly is – a loving, dedicated, and resilient force that shapes the lives of her children with unwavering devotion.
Being a SAHM is a journey filled with challenges, sacrifices, and countless moments of joy. It’s a role that requires strength, patience, and a whole lot of love.
But at the end of the day, it’s the impact we make on the lives of our children and the memories created that are truly priceless. 🥰
What Does a Stay-at-Home Mom Do All Day?

Our days are truly action-packed, to say the least! It begins before the butt-crack of dawn, as we rise early to prepare delicious and nutritious breakfasts for our little ones.
And then we dive into a whirlwind of household tasks! From tackling multiple loads of laundry to ensuring every nook and cranny of the house sparkles, there’s no chore too big or small.
And let’s not forget the grocery shopping, where we expertly navigate the aisles, finding the best deals and steals, because let’s be real – our grocery budget is tiny!
But our responsibilities go beyond just the household.
We have to juggle appointments, coordinating doctor’s visits, dentist check-ups, and play dates with other little ones. It’s a delicate balance that requires meticulous planning and organization.
And when our little ones drift off to dreamland, we use the time to catch up on tasks left unfinished. Whether it’s responding to emails, managing the family’s finances, or simply indulging in a few moments of much-needed downtime, we literally cherish every second.
But the day doesn’t end there!
With the end of the school day comes the mad dash of homework, dinnertime, and bedtime routines. Each moment is filled with love, patience, and dedication, though, as we strive to create a nurturing environment for the ones we love most.
Yes, the hours may seem to fly by in a blur, and the challenges can be overwhelming at times.
The exhaustion may be inevitable, but it is outweighed by the countless smiles, bursts of laughter, and precious learning moments that fill our days. Each task, no matter how small, is an opportunity to create beautiful memories and build strong bonds, isn’t it, momma?
So, what does a stay-at-home mom do all day?
She does whatever it takes to create a loving, supportive, and nurturing environment for her family. With purpose, love, and unwavering dedication, she embraces the joys and challenges of this incredible journey. 💖🌸🏠
Is Being a Stay-at-Home Mom Considered a Job?

Yes, being a stay-at-home mom is most definitely a job, and a demanding one at that! It’s a 24-hour commitment, seven days a week, with no vacation or sick days.
It requires multitasking, patience, resilience, and a whole host of other skills. Your ‘office’ may be different, but the dedication, hard work, and commitment are the same as any other profession.
Albeit, the pay is pretty crappy!
But, it’s a job that shapes the future because it involves raising, teaching, and nurturing the next generation.
That’s why I’m a sahm – because I believe with all my heart and all my soul that if you want to change the world, you should start right at home, with your own family.
If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.
~ Mother Teresa
It might not come with a paycheck, but the love, joy, and satisfaction it brings are truly priceless.
So, yes, momma, being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job, and kudos to every woman who chooses this beautiful, challenging, and rewarding path!! 😊💕
Is Being a Stay-at-Home Mom Work?

Absolutely, being a SAHM is work! It’s a ceaseless cycle of feeding, cleaning, teaching, nurturing, and loving.
It’s like running a small business, where the product is well-rounded, happy, and healthy children.
The tasks are endless, the hours are long, but the rewards are immense.
It’s not ‘work’ in the traditional sense, but it certainly demands time, energy, and dedication – just like any other job.
So, in short, being a sahm is the real deal, momma! It’s the most valuable ‘work’ you will ever do.
So let’s wear that title with pride and serve our little ones with all the love our hearts can muster!
Do Stay-at-Home Moms Work On Average 2.5 Full Time Jobs?

Yes, there are several online sites that claim that a 2018 survey published by Welch’s Juice Company stated that moms, in general, work the equivalent of 2.5 full-time jobs. However, it’s important to note that this does not specifically pertain to stay at home mothers alone but includes working moms.
Despite extensive searching, I could not locate the original study to verify these claims directly. These sites did not cite their sources back to Welch’s, but rather, referenced each other. 😂😂
Honestly, you’d think a news source would cite the survey, not another news source. 🙄
Therefore, while it’s undeniable that the workload of moms can be immense, assigning a specific numerical value like ‘2.5 full-time jobs’ should be taken with a grain of salt until the original source can be referenced.
I’d honestly dare say fathers also work more than a full-time job, especially if they are actively parenting their children as well.
Let’s be real here: raising kids is no walk in the park, whether you are a stay at home parent or a working parent – mother, or father!!
How Much Would Stay-at-Home Moms Make, if You Paid Them?

Quantifying the monetary value of a stay-at-home mom’s work is like trying to count the stars in the sky! conducted a survey in 2019 and estimated that, if paid, a mother in general would earn approximately $178,201 a year.
This figure is deduced by summing up the median annual salaries of all the roles a mother assumes, including but not limited to: chauffeur, chef, teacher, nurse, cleaner, psychologist, and personal assistant.
Quite the jack-of-all-trades, right?
But, while the study is awesome, it doesn’t pertain specifically to SAHMs. It encompasses all mothers, across the board.
But still, it is a fun exercise. And while it underscores the immense value of the work stay at home parents do, no dollar amount can truly capture the love, sweat, and tears poured into raising our little ones.
So, keep rocking it, mommas! You’re invaluable!
Can Stay-at-Home Moms Get Paid?

In an ideal world, we’d see SAHMs cashing in paychecks for their daily grind – wouldn’t that be something!
But, let’s dial back to reality for a moment. In most cases, stay at home parents don’t receive a traditional salary for their work.
However, there are some ways for moms to earn money while caring for their children at home.
For instance, there’s the option of becoming ‘mompreneurs’, starting their own home-based businesses. Some also take up remote jobs or freelance work that offers flexible schedules.
But, let’s not forget about the value of the work SAHMs do. It might not always be rewarded with dollar signs, but the impact it has on shaping our children into wonderful human beings?
Now that’s truly priceless!
So here’s to you, smomma, for doing the most important job in the world!
Is it Better for a Mother to Work or Stay-at-Home?

This question often sparks a heated debate, but the truth is, there’s no definitive answer.
What matters is that you build a good, solid bond with your child and actively parent your children. This means you are deeply involved in your child’s life, offering love and support in everything they do.
Whether you work or stay home doesn’t matter.
And the choice between working and staying at home is deeply personal, and depends on a myriad of factors such as your family’s financial situation, your career aspirations, and your child’s needs.
Some mothers may find fulfillment in pursuing a career, while others may feel most satisfied dedicating their time to raising their children at home. Each choice has its rewards and challenges.
Remember, a happy momma equals a happy family. So, do what makes you feel fulfilled and balanced.
You know yourself and your fam the best. Whatever you choose, know that you’re making the best decision for you and your family, and that makes you a wonderful momma!
Should I Be a Stay-at-Home Mom?

Deciding whether to be a stay-at-home parent comes down to personal preference, lifestyle, and circumstances. Everyone’s parenting journey is unique, so it’s essential to consider your own situation and feelings.
Think about what you want for your family and yourself.
Are you passionate about your career? Does staying at home and devoting your time to your kids fulfill you the most?
Do you have the financial means to live on a single income if you choose to stay home?
Remember, there’s no right or wrong answer. It’s about finding the right balance that works for you and your family.
Make the decision with conviction, understanding, and love, knowing that you’re doing the best for your family.
Because in the end, being a stay-at-home mom or a working mom doesn’t define your worth – living the life you are called to live does. 💖
Get Your Free PDF!

Ready to explore the fulfilling role of a stay-at-home mom in more detail? Download our FREE PDF on Stay-at-Home Mom Job Roles & Responsibilities today!
This fun little PDF simulates a real-life job role description – but for a stay at home mom! It’s designed to help you understand the daily tasks, emotional rewards, and practical considerations of dedicating your time to raising your children at home.
Whether you’re new to the idea or have been in the trenches for a while, this pdf will show you – and the world – what a stay at home mom really does all day long!
Because when it comes down to it, being a stay-at-home mom is so much more than just wiping noses and changing diapers.
At the End of the Day…

Being a SAHM is definitely a full-time gig, momma, filled with both, responsibilities and rewards.
It takes patience, dedication, and endless energy to nurture and guide your children.
The decision to be a SAHM is a personal one, influenced by a ton of factors, and it’s a path that deserves respect and admiration.
So, whether you choose to be a working mom or a stay-at-home mother, remember that your choice doesn’t make you any less of an amazing mother!!
At the end of the day, it’s the love, care, and guidance you give your children that truly defines your role.
More on Being a SAHM
How to Make Your Dream of Being a Stay at Home Mom a Reality
The Happy Sahm: The Secret to Living Your Best Life as a Stay at Home Mom
Feeling Overwhelmed, Stay at Home Mom? Here’s Everything You Need to Know
The Desperate Mom’s Little Guide to Surviving Life with 2 Under 2
18 Emotional, Mental, and Physical Benefits of Exercise for Completely Overwhelmed SAHMS