The 5+ Best Blogging Planners and What You Can Do With Them

Ready to grow and monetize your blog? Every blog planner is designed for specific blog needs. Here are the best blogging planners for your blogging goals!!

We’ll run through the different kinds of blog planners and help you pick out the perfect one for your blog!

Hey there momma! Do you get overwhelmed when looking for that perfect blogging planner?  🙋🏻‍♀️  Yo!

I can’t even tell you how many countless hours I have spent searching for the perfect blog planner. I could never find one that would be a combined day planner, business planner, and blog planner. Plus, I needed room to plan all my mom stuff!

I’ve tried so many planners, but never found the perfect planner. In the end, I decided to create my own blogging planner.

Best blogging planners pin

And I love it!! 

So now I want to share with you everything I learned, in my search for the perfect blog planner, so that you don’t have to go through the same excruciating process.  😬

What is a blog planner?

But first, what exactly is a blog planner? 

A blog planner is simply a tool that you can use to stay organized and plan out your blogging journey.  And I also like to use mine to plan my daily tasks and to-do list.

Blog planners are used to plan everything related to your blog!

✔︎ goal planning

✔︎ content planning

✔︎ social media planning

✔︎ blog post planning

✔︎ campaign planning

✔︎ business planning

You can also use a blog planner to track your progress and growth and to set up your daily tasks as I do.

And when you are looking for a blog planner, you have so many options to choose from!  

  • Free printable planners
  • Paid printable planners
  • Digital planners
  • Traditional book/notebook planners

Or you can do like I did, and make your own!

Why do you need a blogging planner?

image of planner

I don’t know how long you have been blogging, momma, but it is hard to be a blogger! There are so many things you have to do!! It can be incredibly overwhelming.

Where do you focus your time and efforts? What tasks are going to give you the biggest return on your investment?

And how in the world do you stay focused, and refuse the temptation to chase the next shiny object that has promised to take your blog to the next level?

Without a planner, it’s nearly impossible!!

A blog planner helps you to:

✔︎ create a monetization plan for your blog

✔︎ create blogging goals

✔︎ stay on target by focusing on the right daily tasks 

✔︎ track your progress

✔︎ be more productive

✔︎ stay focused

But not all blog planners are created equal, momma. There are many different types of blogging planners, and they all have different purposes. 

What kind of blogging planners are there?

image of woman using a planner

There are so many different kinds of blogging planners! That was my frustration when trying to find the perfect blog planner. I wanted one that helped me to figure out my goals, break my yearly goals down into daily tasks, and then help me to track how well I was doing, on meeting my goals.

A goal planner would work fine. 

But I also wanted a blog planner that had room to write down my to-do list but was specifically tailored to blogging.  😆 It also needed to have space for content planning. And it had to have room for meal planning, appointments, habit tracking, house cleaning, journaling – oh my!  

I couldn’t find one.  Because there was no such thing.  

See, each planner has a different purpose.  And although there are some amazing planners out there, there wasn’t one that did all that I needed it to do – until I created my own. 

Blog traffic planners

Blog traffic planners might be called blog planners, but they focus on one main aspect of your blog:  growing your traffic.

Elna Cain, from Twins Mommy, has a great blog traffic planner.  I’ll go over it in more detail below.

Blog goal-setting planners

I love creating goals for my blog.  😍 I’m kind of a goal-planning nerd. 

There are a lot of blog planners on the market that are designed specifically for you to create goals for your blog. Some are free planners, some are not.

12-month blog planners

12-month blog planners are great for new bloggers or bloggers who need to go back to the drawing board. They literally walk you through what to do each month, for the first year of blogging.

If you are a new blogger or a blogger who hasn’t made much progress, I’d highly recommend grabbing one.  Suzie from Start a Mom Blog has a great one, which I’ll cover more below.

Content planners

Content planners are blog planners that help you plan your blog’s content strategy. They help you come up with blog post ideas and track how well the posts do.

If you are trying to monetize your blog, you should be very strategic with your content. A content planner might help you.

Social media planners

I hate social media.  😆 It is so overwhelming! What platform should you be on? How often should you post? And what should you post?

A social media planner can help you plan your posts and keep you on track.  If you are promoting your blog posts on Instagram, FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, or any others you might want to look for a social media planner.

Blog post planners

A blog post planner focuses on planning your blog posts.  They may or may not include a bit of content planning as well, such as coming up with blog post ideas.

If you have a hard time writing a blog post, and remembering what needs to be included when you do write a blog post, a blog post planner will be beneficial.

Basic blog planners

Basic blog planners might have a page or two of one or more of the planners mentioned above.  They may combine certain elements of certain blog planners, to give you a basic starting point.

They work great if you have a new blog.

Daily blog planners

And finally, my very own made-up blog planner category!  🤣😂 And my favorite kind of planner!

A daily blog planner rolls all the elements of all the above planners into one blog planner that also acts as your daily planner! And your business planner.

They are most beneficial for experienced bloggers, or moms who are trying to grow and monetize their blogs but have a hard time staying focused on the tasks that they need to do to reach their blogging goals. 😁

So, me.  🙋🏻‍♀️

What are the top 5 blogging planners – and what can I do with them?

Alrighty, momma, now that we’ve covered what kinds of blog planners there are, let’s talk about my favorite blog planners, and how they can help you to plan out your blog content! I have tried almost all of these planners.  

BTW, some of these links are affiliate links. That means I may earn a small commission if you should decide to purchase a planner I recommend. No worries – it costs you nothing extra. For more information, see my disclosure policy.

Twins Mommy’s Blog Traffic Planner + Turn Traffic Into Money Video Course – a free blog planner

Twins Mommy Blog Traffic Planner and Vidoe Course
Image source: Twins Mommy

Oh my, Elna Cain.  😍 I’m a BIG fan.  

Elna’s free blog planner actually comes with a free blog planning course as well!! How could you go wrong?!?

Elna is always going above and beyond, to serve her readers as best as she can. She truly wants to see you successful, momma!

She offers a free traffic planner and a video course.  Her’s is more of a guide on what you should do each day, to grow a successful blog. It is a weekly, monthly, and yearly plan to increase your blog traffic, which you need to do if you want to monetize your blog.

Here’s what you will get:

  • Weekly plan to stay on top of your promotional campaign
  • Monthly plan to grow your traffic
  • Yearly plan to analyze and tweak your blog strategies
  • Free video course on the steps to take to grow your traffic, the different ways you can make money, and the best way to make money

What you can do with it:

  • Follow a step-by-step approach to growing your traffic
  • Create high traffic, converting blog posts
  • Earn your first $500 a month from blogging

I have taken A LOT of Elna’s courses 😍 and I can tell you – if you do exactly what she says, you WILL see results!

Start a Mom Blog’s How to Start a Profitable Blog 12-Month Planner – a free blog planner + video course

image of the perfect blog plan
Image source: Start a Mom Blog

Another mom blogger I am in love with!  😂🤣

Suzie has it goin’ on, momma!!

She is another blogger who goes above and beyond to serve her audience well.

I’ve enrolled in a couple of her courses and grabbed a few freebies. And she never fails to deliver above and beyond what she promises!

So, if you want to know the exact steps to take to build a successful blog in just one year, then this planner and the free course are for you!

Here’s what you will get:

  • The exact plan Suzie used to grow her blog from $0 to over $9,000 a month in her first year
  • Over 12 monthly tracking and strategy worksheets to keep you on track
  • A free course to help you implement it all

What you can do with it:

  • Learn the strategies Suzie uses to generate over $2 million in blogging
  • Take action to start and grow your blog!

If you are a new blogger, this is perfect for you! No more wasting hours googling how to start a profitable blog!  

Meera Kothand’s The Create Blog and Editorial Calendar

Okay, so I adore Elna and Suzie.  I read their blogs, am on their email lists, buy their courses…I’m a loyal fan.

I have never bought a course from Meera. I do occasionally read her blog. And I am on her email list.

But I did read her books!

If you want to use your content to sell your products or services, then Meera is your go-to gal!!  She has an amazing way of breaking down everything into easy-to-understand lingo.  Like, I finally know what a campaign is, and I know how to use email funnels!

It all seemed so above me until I grabbed her book!

I haven’t actually used her planner, momma, but if it is anywhere near as good as her book, it won’t disappoint.

I just haven’t used it because I created my own planner before I stumbled upon hers.

The Create Blog and Editorial Calendar is a planning and editorial system used to create intentional content.

Here’s what you will get:

  • Editorial planning
  • Growth review and tracking
  • Plan your year at a glance
  • A 5-step planning process
  • 4 major blogging tasks to add to your daily plan
  • Content and email strategy
  • Instant access to guided videos and swipe files not only on how to use the planner but also on how to implement the strategies laid out in the planner

What you can do with it:

  • Create intentional content that showcases your products and services
  • Grow and nurture an audience
  • Build a business around your blog
  • Stay focused on your blogging and business goals by tracking and analyzing what matters most

This 300+ page planner is for more experienced bloggers.  It is undated and ready for you to get started today!!  Buy it only on Amazon.

The Making Mommas Daily Blog Planner

Daily Blog Planner image

Awww 🥰 my own baby.

My blog planner started out in a bullet journal when I couldn’t find something that worked for me. From there, it grew to an A5 3-ring planner. Using Canva, I created it to be functional, yet pretty.  😍

Whereas Elna’s planner is to grow traffic, Suzie’s is a 12-step process to start your blog, and Meera’s is an editorial calendar, I consider mine to be a daily blog planner.

It is daily planner meets blog planner!

With a little bit of space to manage your family responsibilities, track your health and wellness, and invest in your spiritual health.  It is a well-rounded mom blog planner!

Here’s what you get:

  • Monthly calendar spreads
  • Yearly, quarterly, and monthly goals
  • Quarterly, monthly, and weekly review pages
  • Google and Pinterest Analytics
  • Content planning
  • Weekly objectives
  • Weekly spreads
  • Daily block planning

What you can do with it:

  • Get clear on your goals and strategy
  • Stay focused on what matters
  • Break down your yearly blogging goals into daily to-do’s
  • Track and review your progress
  • Stay on top of meal planning, house cleaning, and other family responsibilities

Finally!  Balance your family responsibilities with blogging – grow your blog and still be the best mom ever!

The Making Mommas Monthly Blog Planner

Monthly Blog Planner

Just like all good things, The Daily Blog Planner continued to grow!

I created the Making Mommas Monthly Blog Planner using Planify Pro.  (A really fun tool!)

What’s the difference between the two?  

Well, the monthly planner is classic planner style, and comes in a variety of sizes, while the Daily Blog Planner is bullet journal style, and currently comes in only A5.

Here’s what you will get:

  • A Classy Planner Girl front and back blog planner cover
  • Undated Monthly Calendar Spread
  • To-do’s – a breakdown of your administrative tasks, social media, website design, and website maintenance, email funnels, newsletter, projects, and content
  • Business expenses and finance tracker
  • Invoice tracker
  • Weekly objectives
  • Monthly content planner
  • Weekly spreads
  • Weekly reflections
  • Running log
  • Analytics and Stats
  • Monthly Review

What you can do with it:

  • Balance work time and family time better
  • Spend your precious work time on the tasks that will grow your blog and make money
  • Create habits and routines, systems and processes that will keep your blog growing

This is a great planner for any new or veteran blogger who wants a blog planner and day planner all in one!

Where can I find more free printable blog planners?

There are literally tons of blog planners out there momma! Most of them are digital downloads that you can print out yourself. All it will cost is your email address!

The 2023 Ultimate Blog Planner from Designer Blogs Studio

The Ultimate Blog Planner Designer Blog Studio
Image Source: Designer Blogs Studio

This 9-page blog planner is letter-sized and comes in lavender. 

You get:

  • Undated monthly calendar 
  • Editorial calendar 
  • Weekly to-do list 
  • Post brainstorming guide
  • Weekly blog post planner
  • Cover page
  • Contacts
  • Blank planner page

You can increase blog income and traffic with the Ultimate Blog Planner from Designer Blogs Studio.

The 12-Month Blog Plan by She Means Blogging

12 month blog plan
Image Source: She Means Blogging

This 12-month planner outlines the steps you need to take to grow your blog.  

It comes with:

  • New blog setup checklist
  • Editable monthly blog calendar
  • Blog post brainstorming pages

This editable planner is great for new bloggers.

The Ultimate Blog Planner Workbook from Sassy Boss

The Ultimate Blog Planner Workbook
Image Source: Sassy Boss

This is more of a workbook than a planner.  It walks you through some thoughtful questions to help you get clear on your business plan. 

You’ll cover topics like:

  • Blogging goals
  • Target audience
  • Ideal client
  • Competition
  • Monetization
  • Promotion
  • Products

It’s a bit of market research and blog planning rolled into one. You can grab it, get clear on where you want your blog to go, and then grab another planner that works for you as well.

Yearly Blog Plan(her) from Homeschool Creations

Yearly Blog Plan
Image Source: Homeschool Creations

This super cute planner doesn’t even require an email address!  In the blogging world, that is simply unheard of.

It is outdated – it has a 2016 and 2017 calendar.  😆 But it’s so adorable, trust me, you won’t mind at all. The rest of the planner is undated.

Here’s what you get:

  • Monthly planner layout
  • Week at a Glance
  • Analytics page
  • Social media trackers
  • Affiliate program tracker
  • Income and expenses tracker

You can plan your sponsored content with this planner, momma! How cool is that?

You can also track your blog stats, social stats, social media promotions, and expenses. 

The Ultimate Blog Planner from Inspired Boss

The Ultimate Blog Planner
Image Source: Inspired Boss

This is an updated planner that has a little bit of everything!  

You get:

  • Year at a glance
  • Monthly, weekly, and daily planners
  • Monthly blog stats
  • Affiliate information sheet
  • Pinterest group board sheet
  • Sponsored post tracker
  • Goal setting
  • Brainstorming

Plus, Deanna has added some money mindset exercises to the planner!  

The Goal Setting Planner for New Bloggers from Twins Mommy

Goal Setting Planner
Image Source: Twins Mommy

Elna’s done it again!!

Use her goal-setting planner to massively grow your blog by setting strong, actionable goals. 

With it, you will get:

  • Year at a glance metric sheet
  • Goal planning sheets to work out your main goals and quarterly goals, and then break them into easy-to-manage tasks

Create a strong blog plan with Elna’s goal-setting blog planner!

How do I create my own blog planner?

image of blog planner

So, what if, like me, you still don’t find a blog planner that works for you?

Well then, you can create your own!!

You can piece one together using bits and pieces of other planners, or use a graphic design tool.

I’ve done both.  At first, I didn’t want to take the time to create a planner. It’s a lot of work! So I printed off digital planners and used the parts I liked.

But I didn’t like that they didn’t flow well together. They didn’t match, and I was flipping all over in my planner for things I wanted. It sucked.

So, first I turned to Canva, and then when I learned about Planify Pro, I tried that out to.

Use Canva to create a printable planner

You can use a free or pro-Canva account to create a printable planner.  

Canva has templates that you can start with, or you can build your own planner. All it takes is some patience and a few design skills.

Use Planify Pro to create a printable planner

You can also use Planify Pro.

Planify Pro is even easier to use than Canva because you need very little design skills. All you do is drop planner widgets where you’d like them to be and then choose the style and color!

It’s easy breezy. But, the free version sucks – you can’t download and print your finished planner. So, really, what’s the point?

At the end of the day….

The Best Blog Planners pin

At the end of the day, momma, you blog because we want to bring some extra money into the household so that you can stay home with your children.

And so, you should treat your blog like the business it is!

Every business needs a plan.  And you need a planner.  😉  What kind of planner you choose will depend on where you are at in your blogging journey, and what your goals are this year.

[Need help deciding what kind of online business to start? Read 19 Exciting Online Business Ideas: How to Make Money as a Stay at Home Mom.]

If you are a beginner blogger, I’d look at a free planner. One that can help you plan out your blog post ideas, give you brainstorming prompts, create monthly goals, and stay on top of your to-do list. Suzie’s 12-month planner or Elna’s Blog Traffic Planner are the perfect choices.

If you are a more experienced blogger, I’d recommend the Create Editorial Calendar or the Making Mommas Monthly Blog Planner, because you’ll need room to strategically plan out your weekly posts.  

Either way, momma, you’re sure to find a planner here that can help you grow your blog and fulfill your wildest dreams!

Grab one of these blogging planners and you’ll soon be on your way to blogging success!

More on blog planning

The Ultimate Guide to Setting Goals for Your Blog

Before Writing Your Blogging Goals, Do This!

How to Review Your Blogging Goals:  The Ultimate Guide

How to Create a Routine for Your Daily Blogging Tasks

How to Write Out Your Content Plan

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