49+ Super Bowl Activities for Kids: Games, Crafts, Food, and So Much More!

Looking for some fun activities to do with your kids during the super bowl? I have done some digging and found these Super Bowl Activities for Your Kids!

Help your kids feel part of the celebration with these fun and easy super bowl activities!

Are you looking for ways to keep your kids busy during the super bowl, momma? 

super bowl activities for kids

I remember it was always very hard, keeping the three youngest ones quiet and occupied while my husband, the oldest three, and the guests watched the game.  😆  The three little guys wanted to be involved, but they just couldn’t sit still and be quiet.  😂🤣

And the last thing my hubby wanted was screaming kids when he was trying to watch the game.

If this is a struggle for you, too, no worries!! I’ve pulled together a great round-up of fun super bowl activities that are sure to keep your kids busy, and out of dad’s hair, while still feeling like they are a part of the festivities!

How do you make the Super Bowl fun for kids?

image of boys dressed in Vikings fighting over football
Boo and Ali, fighting over the ball during a photo shoot 😆

No matter how old your kids are, they still want to feel like part of the celebration. And you want them to, too, because being part of a family tradition, such as super bowl parties, helps them to develop their own identity!

So, don’t leave them out. 

Here’s how to include them and still make it fun for everyone:

1.  Involve them with the planning and decorating

If your kids are old enough, have them help with the planning. They can help you figure out what to serve, what games to play, and how to decorate.

If they aren’t quite old enough for that yet, then have them help set up on game day! Even little kids can do something, like hold the tape dispenser, or put the cups on the table. 

2.  Let them invite a friend over to celebrate too

If you are entertaining, don’t leave your kids out! Let them invite a friend or two over as well.  They’ll have tons of fun with their friends – and stay out of your hair.  😉

3.  Have activities ready

Depending on your child’s age, he may not be able to sit through the entire game. It’s important to have fun activities ready, to occupy your child.

You can go with regular old games and entertainment, or you can make it football themed, and use this list to come up with a few!

4.  Add kid-friendly foods to the snack list

There is nothing worse than going to a party or gathering, with your kiddos, and seeing all adult food.  ☹️ It makes it really hard to keep your little one happy!

So, serve kid-friendly snacks at your super bowl party.

5.  Don’t force them to participate

Sometimes a celebration can be more fun for us than for our kids. I mean, who doesn’t love putting together all the yummy food, great games, and decorations?!?

But don’t force your kids to play, and don’t force them to watch the game either. That just spells trouble (as in behavior issues!).

Let them be involved when they want to and wander away to play independently when they don’t. 

Games for the kids to play when they get bored

It is a lot of fun to have tons of football themed party games to play with your kids, but they aren’t always going to want to play with you.  😆 And they may think the party games are dumb.  🙄

So, it’s good to have some other, more “normal” options as well.  This way, if your kids just want to go play, you have a few things already set up and ready to go.

These games can be played mostly outdoors (so if you live in the Northern States…sorry….it’s too cold and snowy…) but some can be played indoors as well. And the kids can play by themselves or with an adult.

Some links in this post are Amazon affiliate links, which means I earn a small commission if you purchase an item using the link. It costs you nothing extra.  See my disclosure statement for more information.

1. Corn Hole

We LOVE having corn hole tournaments at our house! Of course, we can only do it during the summer, but if you live where it’s warmer, than this is a great option for your kids during the super bowl party. 

Send them outside to have fun!

2.  Mini Corn Hole

Or, if you live in a colder state, take Corn Hole inside! 

My boys have a mini Vikings Corn Hole set and they love it!

3.  Flag Football

My boys don’t care what the temp is – flag football is always an option.  😆 They love putting on their football gloves and heading out in snow pants and boots to play a little ball.  🤷🏻‍♀️

4.  Football Charades

We are definitely into Charades right now too. With the cold winter nights, we spend a lot of time playing board games. This one, from The Joys of Boys (now why didn’t I name my blog that!?! ) is a great one to get in the football mood!

5.  Pinata

What kid doesn’t like candy?!? This is a great way to light up a smile during the half-time show!  Or, at the end of the game.

Either way, depending on the age, you’ll probably have to supervise. But you’ll have some happy kids!

6.  Giant Jenga

A tailgating classic! This game is fun for both, kids and adults.

7.  Football Toss

This one can be played in or outdoors. My boys have a snowball toss that they just love! 

8. Madden Football

Have the kids play a little virtual football, if it’s too cold to go outside!

Set up a separate gaming room where the kids can gather to play. That way they can be as loud as they want and not disturb the real game.  😉

Printable Super Bowl Party Games

Want a few game day party ideas for your kids? Here’s a few you can print off and play!  Even the adults will have fun.

1. I Spy!

image of printable I Spy game
image source: Paper Trail Design

A fun I Spy coloring sheet to keep your kiddos happy and busy during the big game!  Find it at Paper Trail Design.

2. Football Tic Tac Toe

Just print this one off from Kids, Puzzles, and Games, and challenge your kids to a game (or ten!) of tic tac toe!

3. Quarter Back Sneak Football Scavenger Hunt

This awesome scavenger hunt from Play, Party, Plan should have your kids busy for a while!  Britni makes you sign up for the free printable, so you’ll have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of her post in order to sign up.

4. Super Bowl Trivia

I love this super bowl trivia game from Diva Girls Parties and Stuff! Very cute, and fun for the guys too!

Grab the trivia – and the correct answers – by clicking the button below!

5.  Super Bowl Bingo

This super cute Bingo is free from Studio DIY! Just grab some stickers to mark your spot and you’re good to go!

6.  Football Squares Pool

This really fun game is from Living Locurto. I love how she prints it off and frames it! Then the guests write on the glass in dry erase markers.

Click the button below to read how to play Football Squares Pool, and to download your copy of the game!

7.  Super Bowl Word Scramble

image of printable Super Bowl Word Scramble
image source: Etsy shop VanillaMintPrints

My boys think word scrambles are fun, especially Toots, who’s at the perfect age for it. Sure, it’s a little “school-like” – but hey – if it involves football, the kids will go for it!  😆

Just download and print this printable!

8.  Match the Mascot

image of NFL Mascot Matching Game
image source: Mom & Munchkins

Match the mascot to the correct team with this fun printable from Mom & Munchkins! See how many your kids (and hubby! 😆) can get right.

Just click the button below to grab the answers and download the printable.

9.  Super Bowl Guessing Game

image of Super Bowl Guessing Game
image source: Play, Party, Plan

Here’s another goodie from Play, Party, Plan! Your older kids might really get into this one, and any guests. 

Just print out the game sheets, fill in your answers, and see who gets the most right about the big game!

10.  Football Dice Candy Game

image of football candy dice game
image source: Cupcake Diaries

Oh my! This is a spin off of the “Candy Game”, or the “Unfair Game” that I used to talk about in my post on using board games to teach social skills. I took the Candy Game off of that post because it’s technically not a board game – and because I want to create a separate post about the candy game.  🤣😂

So, naturally I love this spinoff from Cupcake Diaries!

All you need to do is buy a bunch of candy, grab some dice, and print off the rules!

Free printable football crafts

What if your kiddos prefer crafts over games? Or you, for that matter!  😉 Not a problem.  Here’s a couple of free printables for ya!

1. Philadelphia Eagles Coloring Pages

image of Philadelphia Eagles Coloring Pages
screen shot of Coloring Home

Your kids will have a blast choosing from any of these coloring pages from Coloring Home!!  Just download and print a few.

2.  Kansas City Chiefs Coloring Pages

image of Kansas City Chiefs Coloring Pages
screen shot of Coloring Home

Or grab the Chiefs!! (Or both! Ha!) Coloring Home has got you covered, momma.

3.  Football activity set

image of free football activities printables
image source: Rock Your Homeschool

Grab an entire pack of fun printables from Rock Your Homeschool for the big game! They should keep your kids busy for a while.  😉

You can also use this activity pack for homeschooling or for your sahm units. (Learn about sahm units in this post.)

4.  Paper Football

Here’s a fun football for your kiddos to paint, from Crafts on Sea.

5.  Football coloring pages

Instead of this year’s contenders, why not print off some generic coloring pages that captures more than just the helmets?  😉

This color pack from In the Bag is a great place to start!

6.  Game Day Football Chain

Help your kids decorate for the big day with this Game Day Chain from ¢entsible Life.

Either use construction paper and paint or download her free printable below and get crafting!

7.  Free Printable Snack Tub

Grab this free printable from Tonya Staab to create your own football snack tubs! The kids will love making – and eating! – out of them. 

Super Bowl Arts & Crafts

Here’s some more crafts you can add to your party activities. These ones aren’t printables though, so plan ahead and get the supplies. 

1. Game Day Pom Poms

These pom poms from the Inspired Treehouse look like a lot of fun! Hopefully someday I’ll gave a couple of granddaughters to make them with me.  😂🤣 I can’t see my boys getting into this one.

Get the instructions and supply list by clicking the button below.

2. Foam Fingers & Mini Megaphones

Are you rooting for a specific team? Then make it known! Have your kids make a foam finger and a mini megaphone (to yell at the refs through, of course! 😆) in your team’s colors. Paula over at Frog Prince Paperie has the instructions and supplies. 

3.  Team Flags

image of team flags
image source: Savor the Sweet

Oh my gosh, Kirk & Whitney’s Savor the Sweet is such a cute blog! Go check it out! And take a look at this post – it’s got some cute ways to decorate your house for the big game!

And while you are making your vases for the flags, consider painting them! We did that for candles one year for Christmas gifts, and my boys loved it! And they turned out really cute.

Click the link below to find the decorating inspiration and read this post to learn how to paint the vase.

4.  DIY Super Bowl Snack Cups

These football snack cups are great for holding your children’s treats. Get the instructions and supplies at About a Mom, by clicking the button below.

5. Paper Football

image of paper football lego game
image source: Little Bins, Little Hands

My little Toots is crazy about these paper footballs! He grabbed a Youtube tutorial and taught himself to make them. We always just use our fingers as the goal post, but this idea from Little Bins, Little Hands is even better!

Click the button below for the tutorials and game rules.

6.  DIY Cozy Craft

Love this idea!I thought Melissa from Kid Friendly Things to Do bought the cozies and then decorated them, but she didn’t. She literally made them. You’ll have to check it out!

Super Bowl Minute-to-Win-It games

Oh my gosh, I love minute-to-win-it games!! When my Carsey was little, we had a minute-to-win-it night one night, just me, him, and his dad. His two big brothers were spending the night at a friend’s house. (That was back when I only had three kids!  😂🤣)

We had a big treasure chest full of fun little prizes. (I made sure to get some that dad would like too.) He absolutely loved it!

So, we brought it back a couple of years ago. And the kids all loved it!

1. Face Goal

image of woman playing Face Goal
image source: Play, Party, Plan

Britni did it again!! You can find the directions to play this game (and many more!) over at Play, Party, Plan, or click the button below.

2. First and Bowl

image of kids playing First and Bowl
image source: Play, Party, Plan

You can find Britni’s directions for this one in her Ultimate Game Day Party Guide

(button https://www.playpartyplan.com/game-day-party-guide/)

3.  Football Knock Down

Oh man, a reason to throw a football in the house?!?  Line my boys up!! 😆  You can find the directions for this game in Melissa’s Football Watch Party Ideas post, but you’ll have to scroll way down to the bottom.

No worries though! You’ll see tons of fun ideas on your way down.  😉

4.  Pick Six

@playpartyplan He could go all the way 🏈 #superbowlparty #footballparty #footballpartytime #partygameschallenge #gameidea #familygamesnight ♬ NFL on FOX Theme [Karaoke Version] – Instrumental King

🤣😂  This one’s awesome!  Again, from Britni over at Play, Party, Plan! Follow her on TicTok!!

5.  Touch Down Toss

image of Touch Down Toss
image source: Play, Party, Plan

A simple, yet fun game from Britni as well. In fact, she has a post entirely dedicated to Minute-to-Win-It games!!

Click the button below for how to play Touch Down Toss – and scroll down!

Super Bowl games to play during the commercials

Everyone loves the commercials, right momma?  😁 So why not make a game of watching them!!

1.  Commercial Bingo

This is way too cute! Even your hubby and other guests will have fun with this commercial bingo, from Create, Craft, Love.

Click the button to find out how to play the game and download your bingo cards!

2.  Rate the Commercials

Sadly, I couldn’t find a printable for this. Every post I found just said to put numbers on card stock and glue it to a popsicle stick.  🤷🏻‍♀️ If you find one, let me know, and I’ll link to it!

Kid-friendly game day treats

After all that playing, your kiddos are bound to be hungry! So don’t forget them when planning your game day snacks!

1. Rice Krispie Treats

image of Kansas City Chief Rice Krispy Bars
image source: Two Sisters

This is such a fun idea from Two Sisters!! And easy too!

2. Football Pizza Pockets

image of Football Pizza Pockets
image source: Picture the Recipe

What a GENIOUS idea from Picture the Recipe! All you need is a little premade pie crust, some sauce, and the toppings!

3. Homemade Onion Rings

Uh, YUM!  😆 We like to do a lot of fried foods for the super bowl, and onion rings are on my list!

These onion rings from My Latina Table are delish!

4. Fried Dill Pickles

No more wasting your money on those tiny little boxes of deep fried pickles!! You can make your own. And they are waaaay better!

Spend with Pennies will show you how! (Trust me, they are the best!!)

5. Blizzard Mix

This is a family favorite from Taste of Home. We make it for a lot of holidays and celebrations.  You can make it even more fun by putting peanut or almond M&M’s in there, colored for your favorite team!

6. Football Brownies

My boys love brownies. And this is a great way to have a little something sweet admis all of that tailgating food!

Learn how to make them at The Simple Parent (or by clicking the button below!).

7. Taco Bar

You can never go wrong with a taco bar!  I don’t think I know a kid who doesn’t like tacos…well, except my little Ali-man. He doesn’t. But he will eat a taco salad.  🤣😂

Find out how to make the Ultimate Taco Bar at Space Ships & Laser Beams or by clicking the button below!

8.  Nacho Bar

Frosted Events has a great display idea for your nacho bar! Check it out by clicking the button below.

9.  Hot Dog Bar

Okay, obviously kids aren’t the only ones who are going to enjoy your hot dog bar, but I like this idea from The Super Mom Life because it tailors the toppings exclusively to your little ones! And no worries, there’s some adult toppings in there as well.  😉

10.  Mac & Cheese Bar

Are my boys (and daughter-in-laws) the only ones addicted to adult mac and cheese?  🙋🏻‍♀️ I love this idea from Cooking Chew, because it offers a little something for everyone!

And if your kids don’t like adult mac and cheese, just be sure to add some Kraft to the table!  🤣😂

11.  Football Chicken Nuggets

How cool is this! My boys would love this idea from Hungry Happenings.

Just click the button below to learn how to make your own football nuggets!

How do you throw an amazing Super Bowl party for your family?

It’s not too hard, momma, promise.  😉 The adults and older kids will mostly care about the game itself – and the snacks.  😆

The kids will need something to keep themselves occupied.

And if you are inviting guests, you maybe want to decorate a bit. But you can take it or leave it.

Here’s a few tips for getting it all done.

1. Have a prize box for all the games you play!!

If you play any of the games listed above, you’ll want a prize box, to make it a little more interesting. The thing I’ve learned about prize boxes is the simpler the better. Don’t go overboard on fancy, expensive prizes.

Things like bottles of Mountain Dew, beef jerky, pringles cans, travel-sized lotions and hand sanitizers, fancy bars of soap, cooking spices, etc. all make great prizes for the older kids and adults. Heck, you could even throw in a few cans of beer!  😆

Candy, dollar store items, and favorite treats work great for the kiddos.

2.  Decorate the eating area in football theme and team colors

If you want to decorate, you could go with either the typical brown and green of football, or you could go with your team colors.  Fab Every Day has a great post that’ll walk you through it all.

3.  Have a themed food bar

Turn any family favorite into a food bar for the big game! Need some inspiration? Check out this post from Making Time For Mommy.

4.  Have a themed drink bar

You can also do a drink bar! Check out this post from Domestically Blissful for inspiration.

5.  Serve tailgating foods

If you’ve never been tailgating, you are missing out!! 

Instead of going the whole “football” theme, you could go with tailgating instead. Check out this post from Hip 2 Save for inspiration.

6.  Serve football themed desserts & sweets

image source: screen shot from Pinterest

If you’re planning a party with kids, you need sweets! Check out this post from My Pinterventures for inspiration.

7.  Do face painting

I tried to find a round up post for you with just a bunch of different football face paint ideas, or game day face paint ideas, but I couldn’t. So, you’ll just have to search Pinterest and save a few ideas you like, but your kids will love face painting!

8.  Set up a photo booth

What a fun way to remember the day! Check out this guide from Sports Mom Survival Guide to create your own photo booth.

9.  Hand out swag bags after the party

Don’t forget the swag!! 😆 Kid Bam has some good ideas if you need a little inspo.

At the end of the day…

super bowl activities for your kids

At the end of the day, momma, it’s all about coming together as a family and creating memories. And maybe starting a super bowl tradition.

Because that’s how we help our children feel loved and a part of the family. Feeling like they are a part of something bigger than them helps to establish their identity and build their self-esteem.  😍

Your party doesn’t have to be perfect. What makes it perfect is that you are all together.  💕

More family fun

Super Fun Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Your Kids

105 Ways to Spend Quality Time with Your Child

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112 Fun Things to do with Your Kids This Fall

37 Fun Things to do with Your Kids During Quarantine

Check out my football Pinterest boards!

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