As a stay at home mom, you feel like you are always working, 24/7!
Hey there, momma!
Are you feeling overwhelmed as a stay-at-home mom?
Juggling piles of laundry, messy rooms, and those adorable little ones who can’t seem to sit still!
I totally get it. Your occupation as a stay-at-home mom can make you feel like you’re going crazy at times!
But guess what? You are not alone in this roller coaster ride!
Welcome to Making Mommas, momma. 😁 A place where we can laugh, share, and navigate the chaos together.
It’s time to put on that super mom cape and find the strength to overcome the feeling of being an overwhelmed stay-at-home mom.
You got this momma!!
What does it mean to be a stay-at-home mom?

Being a SAHM isn’t a breeze; it’s a full-time role that deserves recognition. SAHMs are multitasking mavens – playing the roles of nurse, chef, tutor, and so much more!
Who says SAHMs have it easy, lounging and watching TV all day? Nope! They’re constantly juggling a myriad of tasks that could make even a circus performer dizzy!
From dawn to dusk, they’re on their feet – preparing meals, managing schedules, cleaning, playing, and sometimes even working from home. And, let’s not forget – there are no sick leaves, holidays, or off-hours in this job!
So, remember, the term “stay-at-home mom” doesn’t just mean a woman at home. It signifies a superhero, ceaselessly working, loving, and sacrificing for her family’s well-being.
To all the superheroes out there we call SAHMs – celebrate yourselves! You’re doing an extraordinary job!
I’m an overwhelmed stay at home mom going crazy!!

Hang in there, momma! As a SAHM it’s normal to feel overwhelmed by constant demands. But remember, it’s crucial to take care of yourself too!
Here are some self-care tips to help you stay sane:
💥 Constant childcare demands: Diapers, homework, meals, tidying up – the list goes on! But this doesn’t mean you’re failing. It’s a testament to your multitasking abilities. Remember, it’s okay to feel overwhelmed and seek support from fellow moms.
💥 Me-time: Despite your never-ending to-do list, carve out time for activities you enjoy. This is essential for recharging and maintaining sanity.
💥 Endless housework: Laundry, dishes, meal preparation – the chores seem never-ending. But every task done is a testament to your dedication. Don’t hesitate to seek help when needed.
💥 Isolation: Being a SAHM can feel isolating. Reach out to local mom groups, connect with other parents, or join online communities. It’s okay to miss adult conversation and crave social interaction.
💥 Lack of personal time: With constant demands, it’s difficult to find time for yourself. But it’s important to treat yourself to ‘me’ time – a hot bath, a cup of coffee, a short walk, or an episode of your favorite show.
Remember, even superheroes need a break sometimes. You’re doing an extraordinary job! 🥰
I’m an overwhelmed working mom at home!!

Juggling between professional commitments and parental duties can pose unique challenges for working moms at home.
Balancing the never-ending work emails with the constant needs of the kids, and staying productive amid the daily household chores can be incredibly overwhelming.
The lines between work-life and home-life often blur, leading to feelings of always being “on duty.”
Finding a sustainable work-life balance is critical.
Start by creating a structured daily routine that delineates work hours from family time. Set boundaries and let your family and your employer know about them. This could be as simple as shutting your home office door during work hours, or scheduling specific times to check work emails.
Remember, it’s okay to ask for help. If you have a partner, divide the household chores and childcare responsibilities. If you can afford it, consider hiring help for housework or childcare. Also, take advantage of delivery services for groceries or meals to save time.
Don’t forget to set aside some time for self-care. It’s not a luxury, it’s a necessity.
A relaxed and healthy mom is a better mom and a more productive worker. So, whether it’s an early morning run, a mid-day power nap, or a quiet evening read, make sure you’re carving out some ‘me’ time in your busy schedule.
Stay home mom occupation: the toughest job in the world

Being a SAHM is no easy feat; it’s arguably the toughest job in the world!
You’re not just a mom, you’re a multitasking superhero.
Your job description? A 24/7 chef, chauffeur, nurse, psychologist, personal assistant, and teacher, combined with the demands of housekeeping.
There are no lunch breaks, no sick days, and certainly no vacations! 😱
It’s a role that requires endless reserves of patience, energy, and love.
But despite the challenges, it’s also the most rewarding job ever!!
Every giggle, every ‘I love you, mom’, every milestone your child crosses – these priceless moments make all the hard work so worthwhile.
So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed as a stay at home mom, remember you’re not alone and that it’s okay to feel this way. It’s okay to ask for help and take time for yourself. After all, even superheroes need downtime.
You’re doing an amazing job, and don’t let anyone, especially yourself, tell you otherwise!
Tips for dealing with feeling overwhelmed as a stay at home mom

When the chaos of chores, tantrums, and never-ending errands starts to weigh heavily on your shoulders, it’s time to take a pause and explore some strategies to manage the overwhelming life of a stay-at-home mom.
Let’s cover some practical tips and tricks designed to keep your sanity intact while you ride the wild roller coaster of motherhood! So, buckle up, momma! It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
But we can transform your overwhelming days into a more balanced and joyful journey.
Practice self-care. It’s easy to fall into the habit of putting everyone else’s needs before your own, but remember that your well-being is important too. Whether it’s taking a hot bath, reading a book, or going for a walk, find what relaxes you and make time for it regularly.
Set realistic goals. You don’t have to do everything perfectly. Set achievable goals for yourself and celebrate when you meet them. It’s okay if the house isn’t spotless or if dinner is takeout sometimes.
Establish a routine. Having a routine can provide structure and make your day more manageable. It also helps children know what to expect and can reduce some of the chaos.
Connect with other moms. As mentioned earlier, there’s nothing like having a community of other moms who understand what you’re going through. Regular catch-ups, either online or in person, can provide much-needed support and a sense of camaraderie.
Ask for Help. There’s no shame in needing help. Whether it’s asking your partner to take over for a while, hiring a babysitter for a few hours, or asking a friend or family member to help out, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Stay Active. Regular exercise can boost your mood and reduce feelings of anxiety. Try to get some physical activity in every day, even if it’s just a quick walk around the block.
Embrace Mindfulness: In the midst of the hustle and bustle, try to find moments of peace by practicing mindfulness. This could be as simple as savoring a cup of coffee in the morning, taking deep breaths during a chaotic moment, or enjoying the sound of your children’s laughter. Being present in the moment can help reduce stress and bring a sense of calm to your day. Remember, even on the busiest days, there’s beauty to be found in the smallest moments.
Remember, you’re not just a mom—you’re a superhero in disguise, juggling so many roles at once. It’s okay to have tough days, and it’s more than okay to ask for help when you need it. You’re doing an incredible job, and don’t forget to give yourself the credit you deserve!
Being a stay at home mom is no easy task. I can’t tell you enough! You’re doing an amazing job, and it’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed sometimes.
Keep these tips in mind, reach out when you need support, and don’t forget to take care of YOU.
(That’s how my mother-in-law signs off on everything – “Take care of YOU”. 🥰 She was a SAHM. 😉)
Do I have mommy burnout?

This is a question that is all too familiar, yet often ignored or completely misunderstood.
Let’s talk about what ‘mommy burnout’ truly is, its signs, and how it can show up in different ways.
💞 Feeling overwhelmed, withdrawal, and isolation
Feeling overwhelmed can lead to withdrawal and isolation.
You might avoid social gatherings, stop attending ‘mommy and me’ classes, or even have difficulty connecting with your partner or children.
Negative self-talk may creep in, causing you to doubt your abilities as a mother.
💞 Inability to relax and changes in your sleep patterns
You may find it hard to relax, even when you have downtime. Changes in sleeping patterns, such as insomnia or oversleeping, can also indicate burnout.
💞 Difficulty prioritizing, guilt, and self-doubt
Oh my gosh, this was so me!
Struggling to prioritize tasks or feeling like you’re failing to meet expectations can lead to guilt and self-doubt. Remember, it’s normal to feel this way, and you’re not alone.
When to seek professional help
If you’re experiencing these symptoms consistently over several weeks, or they’re impacting your ability to care for your child or yourself, it might be time to seek professional help.
Reach out to a healthcare provider who can provide resources or refer you to a mental health professional.
Remember, seeking help is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. It’s an important step towards feeling like yourself again.
Is it mommy burnout, depression, or anxiety?

Motherhood can be tough, and sometimes, the stress might be more than just ‘mommy burnout’—it could be depression or anxiety. Recognizing your emotional state is crucial.
Mommy Burnout is chronic exhaustion—physical, emotional, and mental—that stems from constant childcare and household demands. Signs include constant fatigue, emotional withdrawal, loss of enjoyment in activities, high irritability, feelings of inadequacy, neglecting personal needs, feeling overwhelmed, and persistent stress. It’s important to remember this state is typically temporary and manageable with the right resources, support, and self-care.
Depression, on the other hand, can manifest physically and emotionally. Symptoms include persistent sadness, feelings of hopelessness, loss of interest in activities, fatigue, sleep disturbances, drastic changes in appetite, unexplained aches and pains, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, difficulty concentrating, and thoughts of death or suicide. These symptoms can significantly affect daily life. If you or a loved one are experiencing these, it’s crucial to seek professional help immediately.
Postpartum Depression (PPD) often strikes within the first year after childbirth. It’s more than just ‘baby blues,’ it’s a serious condition that can interfere with daily tasks and mother-child bonding. Symptoms include prolonged sadness or emptiness, feeling overwhelmed, difficulty bonding with the baby, withdrawal from loved ones, unexplained irritability or anger, constant anxiety, feelings of worthlessness, significant changes in eating and sleeping patterns, and thoughts of self-harm or harming the baby. If these symptoms persist for over two weeks, seek professional help. Remember, PPD is common and treatable—you’re not alone.
Anxiety, meanwhile, can be particularly challenging for stay-at-home moms juggling multiple responsibilities. Symptoms include excessive worry about everyday situations, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, constant fatigue, irritability, muscle tension, sleep disturbances, panic attacks, excessive worry about your child’s health or safety, and fear of not doing enough as a mom. If these symptoms sound familiar, reach out for support. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help when you need it—being a mom is one of the most demanding jobs there is.
Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve covered a lot of ground, momma. But there is so much to unwrap here, when it comes to handling overwhelm as a stay at home mom!
Here are some common questions SAHMs often have. If you don’t see the answers you need here, don’t hesitate to put your question in the comments below! I’m happy to help in any way that I can.
Is it normal to feel overwhelmed as a stay-at-home mom?
Absolutely! It’s common for SAHMs to feel overwhelmed due to the demands of their role.
What is the stay-at-home mom syndrome?
This refers to feelings of isolation, exhaustion, and depression some SAHMs may experience.
How do you know if you are a burnout stay-at-home mom?
Regular feelings of exhaustion, overwhelm, difficulty concentrating, lack of motivation, and irritability might indicate burnout.
How do you fix stay-at-home mom burnout?
Self-care and personal time are crucial in managing burnout.
How do stay-at-home moms not get overwhelmed?
Organization, planning, personal time, and connecting with other moms can help manage overwhelm.
What do you call a stay-at-home mom?
SAHM is commonly used. Some also use terms like “Homemaker”, “Family Manager”, or “Domestic Engineer”.
How much would it cost to pay a stay-at-home mom?
Depending on her tasks, rates could range from $10 to $25 per hour.
Is being a stay-at-home mom a profession?
While it involves hard work and dedication, being a SAHM isn’t typically classified as a profession since there’s no monetary exchange.
What are the psychological effects of stay-at-home moms?
Most SAHMs report satisfaction and accomplishment, but some may feel stress, loneliness, or burnout.
How not to go crazy as a stay-at-home mom?
Setting realistic expectations, breaking tasks into manageable parts, and delegating chores can help maintain sanity.
How do you mentally handle a stay-at-home mom?
Remember you’re not alone, there’s no perfect way to parent, and maintain a sense of humor. Practice gratitude, focus on positive aspects, and seek professional advice when needed.
At the end of the day…

Remember, you’re doing an incredible job as a stay-at-home mom, even when it doesn’t feel like it! It’s okay if the house isn’t spotless, meals aren’t always homemade, or the kids have extra screen time.
If you need extra support, there’s a world of online communities just for you. From Facebook groups to podcasts, these platforms offer advice, resources, and camaraderie. Don’t hesitate to join — you might find new friends or learn something new.
You’re not alone in the SAHM journey. Embrace it, breathe deeply, and enjoy each moment. 💕
Before you go!
Before you go, I have one last treat for you!
Join our email list and get exclusive access to inspiration, tools, and tips designed just for stay-at-home moms who may be feeling a bit overwhelmed.
You’ll be part of our little sahm fam, a community that provides not just information, but also friendship, support, and the perfect dose of fun.
Sign up below and start receiving updates right in your inbox. You’re not in this alone, and with our email list, you’ll never feel that you are!
Jump in and join the community!! I’m looking forward to brightening up your inbox! 💕
More on being an overwhelmed stay at home mom
25 Healthy & Practical Tips for Handling Stress
The Desperate Mom’s Little Guide to Surviving Life with 2 Under 2