Goodbye Pacifier! 5 Quick Tips for Taking it Away from Your Toddler

We all know pacifiers can be a lifesaver when it comes to soothing a fussy baby!

But what happens when your little one transforms into a toddler and it’s time to say goodbye to that trusty pacifier? It’s a milestone that can be hard to transition through, but it doesn’t have to be a major headache.

As a mom, I’ve had to navigate this tricky process multiple times – six, to be exact. 😆 And now, as a grandma, I’m watching my son and his wife struggle through the process.

So, today I’m sharing with you my tried-and-true tips for taking the pacifier away from your toddler! It isn’t easy. It can downright suck.

But if you don’t, it’ll mess up your child’s teeth and cost you thousands in dental work down the road! Not to mention the pain and suffering that your baby will have to go through, during all of that.

So, keep that in mind as you suffer through the next few weeks. 😉

1. Timing is Everything

The first thing you need to keep in mind when it comes to weaning your toddler off their pacifier is timing.

Ideally, you want to start taking it away when they’re younger, around 10 – 12 months of age. But if you’ve missed that window, don’t worry—it’s never too late to start.

However, you should avoid waiting until they’re older than 2 years old, as this is when the habit of using a pacifier can start to harm their teeth’s development.

My grandson’s teeth are already showing signs of problems, and he’ll turn two in March. So, if you’re worried, keep an eye on your child’s teeth development.

Also, if there’s another baby coming, seriously think about if now is the time to take away the pacifier or not.

I’d say it’s best to do it before the baby is born, otherwise it will be really really hard to do it afterwards.

But your child will regress in a lot of areas when that baby is born. So, it might be worth waiting, too. 🤷🏻‍♀️ You want your child to feel safe and secure when that new bundle of joy is brought home.

It’s up to you! But if your child’s teeth are a concern, I probably wouldn’t wait, and just really focus on instilling other good security and calming habits.

2. Gradual Approach is Key

Trying to take the pacifier away cold turkey can be tough for both you and your little one.

I’ve done both, cold turkey and gradual. They both work. But cold turkey is harder on both the child and you!

I’d recommend a gradual approach, similar to when you weaned your baby from the bottle.

You can start by setting limits on when and where the pacifier can be used, such as only at bedtime or in the car.

From there, you can slowly decrease the amount of time they get to use it until it’s gone altogether.

When you are down to say, just at bedtime, or just in the car, you need to go cold turkey. That last one is hard to give up, but you can’t give the baby the pacifier one night, then not the next, and then give it again the next night after that.

There has to be a final night, and then just throw them. You are done. No looking back.

Also, it helps to set deadlines. So not kidding you. “We will be pacifier free in one month”. And then break that down into weaning deadlines.

“We will no longer use the pacifier in the mornings this week.”

“Next week we will stop using it in the afternoons.”

“The following week we will take it away in the car.”

“The last week we will not use it for bedtime.”


3. Offer Alternatives

One of the reasons why it’s so hard for my daughter-in-law is because she’s afraid my grandson will start chewing on his hands or his blanket.

And she’s not wrong.

Part of the reason toddlers cling to pacifiers is because they find the act of sucking calming.

So, to help them with this transition, it’s good to offer alternatives, such as a soft blanket or stuffed animal to snuggle with. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with chewing on a soft blanket. Toots did it for a couple of years after ditching the plug.

And guess what? He’s a healthy happy 11 year old boy! 😂🤣 With no teeth problems, I might add. 😉

But if you are really worried about it, teach your toddler other ways to calm himself, such as snuggling with a stuffed animal, snuggling you, or softly humming or singing to himself.

The key is to sub out something else for the security of the pacifier.

4. Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool when it comes to changing behaviors.

Instead of scolding or punishing your toddler for using their pacifier, try to focus on praising them when they don’t use it.

You can offer praise and rewards when they go without it for an extended period of time, building up their confidence and helping them feel proud of themselves.

This especially works well if your toddler is older.

5. Be Patient and Consistent

Finally, it’s important to remember that taking away the pacifier is a big step for your toddler. (And you!!)

They may resist or have a hard time adjusting, so be patient and consistent in your approach.

Patience and consistency is key here. Your toddler is going to test the boundaries and see if you “really mean it”.

It’s normal, and perfectly fine. But just stick to your guns. This is where you start laying the foundation for your parenting.

If you aren’t consistent now, then you are teaching your child at a young age that you don’t really mean what you say, and rules are meant to be broken. 😉

It’ll be hard, because the screaming and crying could all end with just one simple little plug. 😆 Quite literally!

But you can do this momma!

Stick to the plan you’ve created and offer reassurance and comfort when they need it.

Taking away the pacifier from your toddler is a milestone that can seem daunting, but with these tips, it doesn’t have to be.

Remember to assess the timing, take a gradual approach, offer alternatives, use positive reinforcement, and be patient and consistent.

With time and effort, your toddler will make the transition to pacifier-free life without too much fuss.

Good luck!

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