37 Fun Things to Do with Your Kids During Quarantine

Are you stuck in quarantine (again?!?) Here's some fun things to do with your kids in quarantine, momma! Tried and true!

Well, it finally happened:  we got ‘the’ covid.

Two years after the pandemic officially started.  🤣 🤣  Can you really call it a pandemic, if it takes two years for it to hit you?  🤔

So, I’ve been MIA for a bit.

In this post, I talked about how I didn’t really even believe that there was a pandemic because we hadn’t gotten it yet.

And we get everything.

In fact, we usually get sick, right around Thanksgiving. (Coincidentally, that’s exactly when we got ‘the’ covid.)

We’ve missed a lot of Thanksgiving gatherings over the years, because of it, too.

And whenever we get sick, it takes a couple of weeks for it to run through our house. So, we usually ‘self-quarantine’ for a couple of weeks, this time of the year, anyways!  😆

That’s the part that makes me giggle.  You get sick, you stay home.  End of story.

Why do we need the government to hold our hand and tell us when to stay home?  Since when were we not able to figure that one out for ourselves?  🧐

So, here we are, staying home. Again.


In September, we were all sick.  One week after the kids went back to school.  🤣 🤣  I wasn’t surprised. That happens every year as well.

We were home, ‘self-quarantining’, for two weeks, while it ran its course.

And then in October, Toots was quarantined.  Not self-imposed.  Turned out, his friend tested positive, and all of the close contacts were sent home from school.

And now, in November, my hubby tested positive.  So, once again, my boys were sent home from school.

This time, for dang near a month.

When you’re stuck at home, you might as well make the most of it

The boys, home sick

Of course, the school said they could shorten their quarantine if they’d been vaccinated.  Or wore a mask, fitted properly, of course. 

Or, if I was willing to get them tested.

Uh…. ✅ None of the above.

So, super quarantine it is.

At first, I was mad.  Mad at my husband for agreeing to be tested.  Mad at the school for their crazy policies.

And mad at the world for buying into all of this covid crap. 

(Because let’s not forget:  the covid virus is a coronavirus.  A coronavirus is a cold/flu virus.  There is nothing new about a cold/flu virus.  And 99.7% of people survive this virus – such a well-known fact by now that I’m not going to even bother citing it.)

But, once my anger subsided, I decided to make the best of it.  I mean, I love staying home! That’s why I’m a SAHM.

And I love it when my kids can be home with me! So, why am I complaining?  🤷🏻‍♀️

So, if you too, find yourself stuck at home, yet again, then make the most of it!

Look at it as a chance to push that reset button – and get in order anything in your life that is chaotic right now.

✔︎ household

✔︎ finances

✔︎ parenting

✔︎ relationships

✔︎ self-care

Not sure where to start?

I have compiled a list of 37 fun things you can do with your kids during quarantine!

I stay home with my kids A LOT, so I have done (almost!) everything on this list.  And I can verify:  they are all fun and/or rewarding!! 😁

Fun things to do with your kids during quarantine

fun things to do with your kids during quarantine

This quarantine looks a little different for us than the government-imposed shutdowns we had earlier, or the times our kids have been quarantined because they were in close contact with someone who tested positive.

This time, we are actually sick.  😆

Our symptoms range anywhere from a cough to a stuffy nose, to a mild fever, to mild body aches.

I know, I know…. It’s pretty tough stuff.  🤣 😂

We’ve definitely been sicker.  My boys have had temps at 103-104 many times over the years. So, this is nothing.

But unfortunately, it doesn’t take much to kick mom on her butt!  😆 A tiny temp and some body aches, and I’m exhausted all day.  🤷🏻‍♀️

boy cuts his hair
We couldn’t get haircuts while we were quarantined. My son got tired of his hair hanging in his eyes, and took advantage of one of my many naps!

So, this list has some pretty chill things you can do with your kids if none of you are feeling well, and some pretty robust things you can do, if you’re all good and healthy, and simply stuck at home.

Let’s dive in!

[btw, this post does contain affiliate links, which means I earn a tiny commission if you decide to purchase anything from the link. It costs you nothing extra and helps to keep this blog afloat. For more information, see my disclosure policy.

1.  Have a movie marathon

Even our girl Greta joins in on family movie night! 😆

There’s so many ways to do this!  You could grab a series, like Harry Potter or Star Wars, and watch them all together, in order. 

Or you could do all Thanksgiving movies or all Christmas movies.  You could create a list of movies you’ve always wanted to see, and start checking them off, one by one.

Introduce your children to the classics – or your childhood favorites!

In the quick snippet above, we were watching one of the Buddies movies.

2.  Take a quarantine challenge

30 day challenge
Me and my girl Greta

Last summer, my son’s girlfriend and I enlisted in a challenge:  to run every day.  It didn’t matter how far we ran; as long as we ran, it counted.

 You could take this idea and run with it!  (No pun intended!  🤣 😂)

No, I’m not asking you and your kids to run every day.  😁

Instead, find one activity that you want to do on a daily basis, and challenge yourself to do it every day of quarantine.

This could be things like:

  • try a new recipe every day
  • play a board game every day
  • start an exercise routine with your kids
  • do a new craft every day
  • read a new book every day
  • send a letter to someone every day
  • play a new game outside every day
  • bake a new cookie every day
  • make a new breakfast food every day
  • make your bed every day
  • read the bible every day

Be creative! The challenge can be anything fun, or any new skill you want to instill in your kids.

3.  Redo your children’s bedrooms

Camo bedroom
One wall done! Three more to go. 😁

Kids love redoing their bedrooms! Why not use the quarantine to give your child the bedroom of his dreams?

My son and I just finished painting (one!) wall camo.  😆 🤣  It took forever. We still have one more wall to go!

By the time quarantine is done, he should have a camo/army green bedroom!

4.  Clean out and organize your child’s toys

things to do during quarantine

Oh my gosh, toys get to be such a disaster!! Use this time to go through them all. Throw what is broken, give away what is no longer used, and organize the rest in a way that is inviting for your kids to come play. 

Not sure where to get started?  Here’s a nifty little tip for organizing your kids’ toys.

5.  Deep clean the entire house

deep clean your house if you are quarantined

Speaking of cleaning… 😁

Quarantine is the perfect time to give your house a deep clean!

Especially with the holidays coming up.

Use this post to get started.  Sure, it’s spring cleaning. But the concept is still the same.

And here’s five easy ways to get your kiddos involved!

If you’ve all been sick, you’ll definitely want to clean after everyone’s better. 😁

6.  Use this time to prepare for the holidays

prepare for the holidays during quarantine
A Christmas ornament from our Christmas Tree Decorating Tradition

There is never enough time to get ready for the holidays!  So why not use a forced time at home to get everything ready?

Get your Christmas decorations up. Spend a day or two baking (assuming, of course, that you aren’t sick.  No need to pass those germs on! 😆)

Pour a glass of wine or a cup of coffee and shop online.  Pull out the old catalogs and have your kids circle what they want for Christmas.  (Okay, now I date myself… 🤣 😂)

Write a letter to Santa, plan a new Christmas tradition, or figure out where you are going to volunteer this year.

7.  Really hammer down your SAHM schedule

figure out your sahm schedule

Quarantine is the perfect time to figure out a great SAHM schedule that works for you and your kids – and practice it!

Stay consistent with it and make it routine. That way, when you all come out of quarantine, you’ll already have it all in place and it’ll be the same old, same old for you.

Then you focus on more enjoyable things.  😁  Like fun winter activities.

8.  Try new parenting techniques

use quarantine to try new parenting techniques
4-Wheeling with the boys!

One of the hardest things about trying something new is the time involved.

Especially when it comes to a new parenting technique.

Any time you try a new one, you deliberately have to take the time to practice it.  Kind of like potty training – you have to make it a priority in order for it to work!

And when there’s a lot going on, it can be really hard, to try new techniques with your kids.

Quarantine is the perfect time to do this!  You’re all stuck at home anyway!

Here’s a few posts to get you started:

Wondering how to get your kids to behave?  Try this first!!

Three simple qualities of a good mother that easily leads to better parenting

Discipline techniques are not the way to manage your child’s behavior

15 ways to be an authoritative parent

9.  Start a gratitude journal with your kids

start a gratitude journal with your kids

When times are tough, one of the best things you can do is to be thankful for what you do have.  Even in quarantine.

There is always someone else who has it worse off than we do.  So, use quarantine to teach this to your kids! And to teach them how to always feel thankful for their blessings.

Grab a gratitude journal, put it somewhere where you all can reach it, and encourage your kids to write in it every day.  In fact, you can too – simply write down what it is that you love about them in there!

For example, “I am so grateful that I have your laugh to cheer me up on days like today!” 💕

10.  Scrapbook together

I went through a major scrapbooking phase.  I’d scrapbook with family or friends nearly every weekend.

And one thing my boys loved to do was scrapbook too! I bought them each their own and printed them out their own pics, and they’d scrapbook right alongside me.  They are really cute to look back on now!

You can do it that way, or you can work on a family album together. 

11.  Do-it-yourself projects

DIY lighthouse
My Christmas candles

Quarantine is the perfect time to get a few things done around the house!  Grab Pinterest and find a few neat ways to do things, such as using a peg board to hang up nerf guns, or little wall shelves to organize Lego guys

Check out my kid’s room Pinterest board for all kinds of ideas! (Of course, they’re all boy ideas….) 😁

12.  Have a Pinterest challenge

pinterest challenge

Speaking of Pinterest! 

There are so many cool ideas on Pinterest.  Challenge yourself to try a new one every day!  It could be cookies, crafts, or anything in between. 

Start by cruising the Making Mommas Pinterest boards or my own personal boards for some great ideas.

13.  Practice eating together as a family

This is what family dinner looks like at our house…. 😆

Challenge yourself to make one meal a day, and sit down together around your dining room table, as a family.

Yes, dust that dining room table off!  😆  I know, they often end up as the catch-all for everything going on in the day.  Clear it off, actually set the table, and eat family-style!

(Where all of the food is on the table, and you pass the dishes around….)

Turn all electronics off, including the TV.  And visit with each other as you eat!

14.  Get a puppy

German Shepherd puppy in the snow
Our girl Ava

This was actually a thing during the lockdowns!  😂 🤣  And it’s not a bad idea.

So, if you haven’t done it yet, go ahead, get yourself a puppy!

Quarantine is the perfect puppy training time because you have nowhere else to go and nothing else to do.  Just like kids, dogs need tons of attention and consistency in training.

And if you want a great puppy training video, check out the ABT’s of Training, with the German Shepherd Man!!  I am currently using this system for our new puppy, and it works! 

15.  Build a fort

Quarantine is the perfect time for this age-old classic!

You can build a fort in so many ways. You can do cardboard forts, blanket forts, table forts, or bed forts.

We love to build big forts in the living room or basement and then leave it up for a while, which makes quarantine so perfect.

My little Prince Ali built a fort out of blankets over his bed, and then strung twinkle lights up underneath.  He had it up for three months!

16.  Have a sleepover or campout

One New Year’s Eve, we took all the mattresses off our kids’ beds, including our own, and hauled them all downstairs into the family room.

We lined them up, side by side, and “camped out” down there, to watch the ball drop.

The boys absolutely loved it.

We’ve also set up a pup tent in the basement and let them “camp” indoors. They enjoyed that as well!

17.  Have a fire

winter fire

If you are in quarantine, you have nowhere to rush off to in the morning. So, why not let the kids stay up a bit later and enjoy a fire?

Plus, it gets dark earlier now, so they really don’t have to stay up all that much later to enjoy it.  Make some hot chocolate, grab some blankets and some marshmallows, and head outside!

18.  Spend a day doing whatever your child wants, the entire day

Ever heard of “slave for a day”?  😁 I remember doing that as a kid, and it’s funny, to hear my own kids be ‘slave’ to their brothers for a day.

Grab your kiddos and tell them that you will be their slave for the day!  You will play whatever they want, whenever they want it, however they want to play. Throw the regular rules out the window and follow their lead!

Who knows where adventure will take you?

19.  Write a story together, complete with illustrations

write a story with your kids

This is a fun one! 

Make up a story with your kids and write it down.  You can either create an old-fashioned stapled book together, where they can illustrate it, or you can even turn it into a real book, using an online website to print it!

20.  Make DIY Christmas gifts

Here we made slime Christmas balls 😆

There’s been many a Christmas where giving was just plain hard, if not near impossible. So, those years, I’d often enlist the help of my boys, and we’d hand-make Christmas gifts.

Most often, the gift receivers would absolutely love the gifts (although not always…. 😆) But my boys and I created some great memories doing it!

21.  Start a YouTube channel

My boys absolutely love watching all these crazy families on YouTube.  They like the Dangie Bros. and this one father/son combo who is always out camping, ‘hiding’ from their mom because they did something that would get them in trouble.  😆

The latest one is some kid who likes to try to bounce balls into cups, in really weird combinations that seem almost impossible.  😆 

But I always ask them why they don’t just make their own videos, rather than watching these guys all of the time?!?

They never seem to want to.  😂. But maybe your kids would! And quarantine is the perfect time to help them get it done.  All it takes is an iPhone and some free video editing software!

22.  Have a video game marathon

have a video game night

I absolutely hate video games. 

So, when I grab the controller (I have finally learned NOT to call it a ‘remote’ 🤣 😂) my boys go nuts.

“Are YOU playing, mom?!?”  😁

I can handle some Wii games and Crash Bandicoot.  😆  They tried to teach me Minecraft, but my husband ended up taking over.  He’s better at building anyways.  🤷🏻‍♀️

23.  Make homemade cards

hand made cards

Just in time for the holidays! Thank you, quarantine!  😆

Actually, the hobby stores have great stamps and ink pads you can use for this. But you don’t need them.  Make them the old-fashioned way if you’d like, with paper and glue.

Enlist the help of your kiddos, and even search out Pinterest for ideas if you are stumped.

24.  Teach your kids a new skill, such as knitting, crocheting, or sewing

mom and daughter knitting

The classics are a lost art.

I know how to embroider and cross-stitch, but that is it.  My mom can do it all.  😆  She tried to teach me how to crochet.  I ended up crying in frustration.

And it’s a good thing there was a cooking unit in Home Ec, or I’d have failed!  If my boys had to rely on me to sew their clothing, they’d just have to go naked!  🤷🏻‍♀️

But it’ll go better for you.  😁

25.  Make your child the star of the week

star of the week

They do this in school, and my boys love it. They are so proud when it is their turn – even chores suddenly seem like an honor!  🤣😂

Each kid gets to be in charge for the day and honored, with their favorite meals, going first, helping out with the chores, etc.

You can make it special by creating a poster board with their picture on it, and their favorites, such as favorite color, favorite meal, favorite game, etc.

26.  Go through all their clothing

So, this one is probably not that fun, but definitely rewarding.

Use quarantine to clean out your child’s closet.  Pass down clothes that no longer fit and throw the stuff that is no longer wearable.

Then, if you have totes of hand-me-downs tucked away, pull them out and see if any of them are ready to be washed and worn.

It’s also a good time to switch out the seasons; tuck away the shorts (you don’t need to constantly be reminding your child that it is winter out and they need to go put pants on 🤦🏻‍♀️) and bring out the sweaters.

27. Have a scavenger hunt

scavenger hunt

There are tons of cool scavenger hunt printables on Pinterest.  Find one that works for your family and location, print it off, and have a blast!

Don’t forget the prizes!!

28.  Play minute to win it games complete with prizes

minute to win it games
Here he is trying to get the little cookie from his forehead to his mouth!

This is something I do from time to time with my boys, and it is FUN.  Grab an old chest if you have one and set it up as a “treasure chest”.  Fill it with tons of cheap prizes, such as Oreo cookies, a can of pop, a juice box, candy bars, bubbles, stamps, dollar store toys – whatever you want. Just be sure there’s something the big kids will enjoy as well.

Then go online and search for all kinds of Minute to Win It games.  You can find a few that will work for your family and play them!

The winner gets to choose a prize.

We’ve also done this as a Christmas party game with my family. Each person brought prizes to donate.  It’s a great way to play a game that involves the whole family.

29.  Set up an obstacle course

An indoor obstacle course is a classic – and a great way to keep your kids entertained for hours during quarantine.

Or take it up a notch and help them create a “floor is lava” game!

30.  Have a nerf gun battle

This is one we love doing. I have some videos of our many battles somewhere, but can’t find them! I hope I didn’t lose them when I broke my old phone. 🤦🏻‍♀️

To have a nerf gun battle, just grab dad, some nerf guns, and your kids. And battle it out!

Or ask your kids what their favorite nerf gun battle YouTube videos are (there’s some fun ones!)  Watch them, and then recreate them, as a family!

31.  Have a Lego building competition

Hhhh 😞 I have a really cute pic of my boys building the Millenium Falcon but I can’t find that one either!

There are so many ways to have a Lego challenge!

Just search Pinterest for a few ideas, if you are stumped.

This one could get pretty competitive, depending on the ages of your children.  But, you can even include older children, who are out of the house.

I have a couple of adult sons, who aren’t quarantined with us.  If we were to do this, they could simply FaceTime us their creation. 

Be sure to dole out prizes for the winners in each category!

32.  Make your own pizza night

When you don’t have to rush off to activities anywhere, the nights can get long.  So, why not help your kids create their own personal pizzas?

You can easily make homemade pizza dough, and then lay out a smorgasbord of toppings and sauces.  Let your kids go crazy!

33.  Color together

Ahhhh….. I love this one.

There’s nothing more calming than grabbing your kids, some crayons, and a color book.  I love putting the dates, names, and ages on the page, and leaving it in the book.  That way, every time you open it, you can scroll through and take a wander down memory lane.  ☺️

If you don’t have color books, or your kids are bored with them, just print off coloring pages from the internet.  The possibilities are virtually endless!  (Pun definitely intended! 😆)

Your kids can literally color anything they want.

34.  Put together a puzzle

Get this Hostess puzzle HERE

We actually just finished doing this – during quarantine.

When you don’t feel good, a puzzle is a nice, quiet activity that you can come back to, time and time again.  It doesn’t take a lot of concentration, so it doesn’t hurt to do it, like playing a game would.

And it has a way of taking just enough concentration to keep everyone from talking so much!  Nice and quiet, for your raging headache. 

35.  Do science experiments

You have it – that list of experiments your kids have been bothering you to try for some time now.

The trouble is, they always ask while you are paying the bills or doing the dishes.  😆

So, grab that list and get experimenting!  Quarantine is the perfect time to get your science on!

36.  Make a time capsule

Remember those time capsules you made in school?

Well…maybe I’m dating myself.  (I wonder if my old elementary ever opened ours….🤔)

Do that with your kids!!  Even bury it if you can.  Just be sure to mark the spot!  😂 🤣

37.  Start a quote book

Our quote book came!!  I’m so excited!

Quarantine is a great time to write down all of those cute things your kids have said over the years, in one place.

So, grab your own quote book, and gather together all of your weird places that you’ve saved those quotes! It’s time to take a Sunday afternoon and write them all down!

Or, if you’ve never recorded your kid’s quotes, then it’s the perfect time to start.  Put your quote book on a coffee table, where it’s handy to quick grab every time they say something so gosh darn funny!

A few thoughts on covid

I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t say a few words about covid. 😁 Because, as you know, I don’t “believe” in covid. I don’t “believe” there is a pandemic – nor was there ever. And I don’t “believe” people are dying like they say they are.

Here is what I do believe:

  • the covid-19 pandemic was planned – why, I have no verifable idea, but I do have my theories
  • covid-19 is not a “novel” or new virus – in fact, corona viruses have been around for virtually forever
  • there is a 99.7% chance that you will SURVIVE covid
  • covid “presents” itself just like the cold or the flu – the symptoms are the same
  • there is no asymtomatic spreading of covid
  • heard immunity is not possible
  • the PCR tests were never meant to diagnose for covid, are used improperly, are giving false results, and are literally useless
  • quarantine does not work
  • social distancing does not work
  • masks do not work – and you are not a menace to society or the frail if you choose not to wear one
  • the vaccine does not work – and you are not a demon if you refuse it
  • people are literally dying from the vaccine
  • people are becoming disabled from the vaccine
  • there is no reason to fear covid

How do I know this? Well, like I said in this post, there are 10 people in my family. And we get EVERYTHING. Yet, it took 2 years for us to “get” covid? And not one of us died. Not one of us was hospitalized. Not one of us was even really very sick. We’ve all definitely been sicker, just from the regular ol’ flu.

That isn’t a pandemic. If it were a TRUE pandemic, at least one of us would have died. And we all would have been really, really sick.

Also, I’ve done a lot of research. Just ask my kids and my hubby. They will all roll their eyes. I am obsessed with covid. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So, here are a few of my favorite sources:

Doctors for Covid Ethics

America’s Frontline Doctors

Children’s Health Defense

The High Wire with Del Bigtree

World Events and the Bible

Covid Revealed

And, of course, I’ve written a few of my own posts. You can find them here:

4 Simple Tips for Parenting Through the Never-Ending Covid Saga

Have You Heard? The Vaccinated Are Spreading Covid Just as Fast as the Unvaccinated

Covid and Your Parental Rights

Doctor Speaks Out Against Covid Mandates to Indiana School Board – Here’s Why We Should, Too

Do Vaccine Mandates Have You Scared of Losing Your Job?

Mom Loses Custody of Her Son Because She is not Vaccinated

The Covid Vaccine Kills Two People for Every One that it Saves

The Covid Vaccine Kills: Evidence from Doctors, Scientists, and Vaccine Survivors, including the FDA & CDC

World Wide WalkOut Against Covid Mandates Planned

Resources for Moms to Fight Illegal Covid Mandates

Autopsy Confirms This 26 Year Old Died From 3rd Shot of Pfizer Vaccine – And Mom’s Shocked

Still not convinced?

Then ask yourself this:

  • Why do you have to wear a mask walking in to a restaurant, but it is okay to take it off when you get to your table? Can covid not touch you there? (My husband pulls his off, sits down, and yells, “We’re in the peeing section of the pool!!”) Think about it.
  • Why do you have to wear a mask on a plane, but can pull it off when you get to your seat? (I don’t fly, but I’ve heard that’s happening…)
  • Why do you have to wear a mask in the dentist’s lobby, but you can pull it off when you get to your chair? Is that a “safe” zone?
  • Why do my kids have to wear a mask on the bus, but not at school?!? Covid lives on the bus but not at school??
  • Why do things shut down earlier now, and why are their curfews? Does covid suddenly come out after dark?
  • Why could we have unlimited numbers of people in grocery stores, but churches had to close and we couldn’t gather in crowds of more than, what? Was it six? Eight? I can’t remember… but I do remember my entire nuclear familiy was more than the gathering limit. Does covid live in our homes and at church, but not in the stores??
  • Why was my “case” of “covid” milder than all of my friends and family who are vaccinated?
  • Why is natural immunity all of a sudden not good enough? If we’ve had covid, why do we need to get the shot?
  • Why are those who have been vaccinated getting covid? I mean, I’ve had vaccinated people be deathly afraid of me! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ve had vaccinated people say they were going to stay away from me because, and I quote, “I can still get covid and can still spread it”. If the vaccinated KNOW that getting the vaccine doesn’t stop them from getting it or from spreading it…then why get it? Why mandate it?
  • Why are kids, athletes, doctors and nurses dropping dead at such high volumes lately?
  • And where did the flu go?

I don’t know about you momma, but you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out the answers to these questions. Plain ol’ common sense will do.

Just think about it.

At the end of the day….

37 fun things to do with your kids during quaranatine

Quarantine sucks.

Especially if you are sick, too, Momma. 

So, the best you can do is make the most of it!!

Grab a few things off of this list and give them a try. 

Because at the end of the day momma, it’s all about being there for your kids and building those memories.  Even in the crappiest of times.

It’s up to you to make something out of nothing and give your child something to remember.  😉

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Kill the chaos and live your best life!

Free Printable Stay at Home Mom Schedule Template

Download your free daily stay-at-home mom schedule & customize it any way you’d like!!
