51 Fun and Inspiring Farmhouse Signs To Remind You of Your Blessings

Are you looking for ways to be a little more grateful? Here are 51 awesome farmhouse signs to remind you of your blessings!

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If you need help counting your blessings, I have some great farmhouse signs to remind you of your blessings!

When I was trying to learn to be grateful for everything in my life (including the struggles), I read a lot of posts that told you to put sticky notes up around your house to remind you of what you should be thankful for.

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That’s exactly what I need….my husband and kids to walk around my house and see everything that I need to be thankful for. 😂 🤣

“Uh, mom…why is there a sticky note on the bathroom mirror that says “My husband still thinks I’m hot?” 🙄

Not gonna happen. 😆 So, when we moved, I opted for farmhouse signs.

I had been collecting them for a while. Well, on Pinterest. But I didn’t actually have any place to hang them in my old house. Now that I have a bigger house, I’ve been buying – and making – farm signs that remind me to count my blessings.

And here is an extensive list of my favorites. Maybe one will ring true for you too!


1. I had my patience tested.  I’m negative.

[I try to embed the pins, but they don’t always work. I had to screenshot this one.]

If you’ve been following me at all, then you probably know why I think this one is funny. 🤣 😂

Yes, it keeps me grounded and reminds me to take covid with a grain of salt.

But it also reminds me to be patient with my boys.

2. Lord, give me coffee to change the things I can and wine to accept the things I can’t.

😂🤣 Pretty much! I like this one because I start my days with coffee and end them with wine (don’t worry – I drink a lot of water in between!). It also reminds me to change the things that I can and let go of the rest. Sometimes you just have to be okay with rolling with the punches.

3. This house has endless love, laughter, and laundry.

Because really. Laundry is more than just an endless chore. It represents all of the people in your home. 💕 The only way you’d have less laundry is if you had less people in your home, or if you all ran around naked. 🤣🤣 So, the next time you feel like complaining about the laundry, try remembering what that laundry represents.

4. Laundry today or naked tomorrow.

😁 Aren’t you glad you have clothes to wash?

5. The days are long, but the years are short.

It’s hard to remember at the moment, momma, but trust me. From a mom who has two grown boys and one more on the way, the years go by like a blink of an eye. Treasure today.

6. I still remember when I prayed for the things I have now.

And oh, how I prayed!! I LOVE this sign. All I have to do is look around and see the many, many answers to my prayers.

7. This is us.  Our life, our story, our home.

We bought an older house that had been on the market for a while. It has a lot of character to it, but it has smaller rooms (and a lot of them! 😆) and it needs a lot of updating. A lot of people passed it over, but to my husband and me, it is perfect.

We don’t look at life the same way other people do. 🤣 😂 This house felt like home. Finally. A place we could grow old and love our grandbabies.

But the road to our dream house wasn’t easy. And this sign reminds me of that. I’m going to put it in my sitting room, right between my husband’s deer heads. 😁

8. Always remember to fall asleep with a dream and wake up with a purpose.

Even in the hard times, momma. Sometimes, a dream and a purpose are all we have to hold on to. Be thankful for that.

9. Oh, the overwhelming never-ending, reckless love of God. 

I’m actually in the process of making this one right now! I plan to share a post of all of my creations when I am done. Making signs is actually harder than I thought, so they aren’t all that pretty! 😂 🤣

I like this one because it is one of my favorite song lyrics. When you let God into your life, His love is so overwhelming and all-consuming. Your life changes, and fast. This one reminds me that it is all because of His love.

10. Do everything with so much love in your heart that you would never want to do it any other way.

I love this because sometimes it’s hard. Endless piles of laundry and dishes. Rooms that never stay clean. Baths, supper, and homework. It’s all so exhausting.

11. This kitchen is for dancing.

We don’t dance in our kitchen. But I love this sign. It reminds me that life is good, and I should be thankful for the pitter-patter of big and little feet in my kitchen, even when they are in my way!

12. And so together, they built a life they loved.

I love this one because it makes me want to grab my hubby’s hand and quietly smile at all the craziness around us. Everything we have, both good and bad, is a result of our decisions along the way. And whatever we face, we face it together. I’m so very thankful for that.

13. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.

My husband and I share the same dream. We share the same perspective on life. And we think alike in so many ways. It wasn’t always that way, of course. But as we’ve grown older, we’ve grown together. We both believe we are soul mates.

Your kids will grow up and move away, momma. (Trust me on this!) But your husband will always be there. Make sure he is your soul mate and your best friend. Invest in your relationship with him. And always be grateful for him and all he does for your family.

14. Home is where my boys are.

This one is oh, so true for me. My boys are my everything, and sometimes I need to remember that.

15. To-Do List

I’m pretty sure this one just sums it all up on its own. But, if I may say, your to-do list is never as important as you think it is. So put it down and enjoy your family. And your life.

16. Raising kids is a walk in the park.  Jurassic Park.

Um, boy mom, remember? No other explanation needed. 😂 🤣

17. Remember, as far as anyone knows… we are a nice, normal family.

One of my boys was known for giving away too many family ‘secrets’. He would be talking to someone, far enough away that I couldn’t hear what he was saying, and those people would turn and look at me and laugh.

My husband and I would always groan, “Oh no…what did he tell them now?”

Because the kid had no filter! 🤣 😂 And we knew we were anything BUT normal.

18. You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing.

Seriously. Your kids will love you just as you are. No matter what.

19. Be still.

Sometimes you just need to be reminded to take a breath and relax. It’ll all work out.

20. Hold on!  I need to overthink this!

😂🤣 Because I overthink EVERYTHING!! And sometimes, you just have to trust your gut and make the decision already!

21. In this family, we do hugs…

A pretty reminder to be gentle with one another, because we love each other.

22. The best view comes after the hardest climb.

I am at a really good place in my life right now. But it wasn’t always this good. So, this sign reminds me of everything I went through, to get here. And it also helps me to not take where I’m at right now for granted. Things will change. So, while I’m at this place in my life, I’m going to enjoy it! And when the time comes, I’ll start climbing again.

23. What I love most about my home is who I share it with.

Your home doesn’t matter. I have lived in many, many houses over the years. And I have loved them all. But what I’ve loved most is the people in them. Always be thankful for both.

24. But first, pray.

Just a good reminder, momma. And while you’re praying, thank God for your blessings. 😉

25. This is everything I’ve ever wanted.

I often find myself wandering around, just grinning. Because it is so true. I have in my life right now everything I have ever wanted. And I want to remember that and be thankful.

26. You call it chaos, we call it family.

Seriously. We are a bit chaotic over here in this household. It’s a bit much for a lot of people. Most of the time, it’s a bit much for me. So remembering the chaos is created by those I love helps. 😁

27. It is not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy.

First comes gratitude, momma. Then peace and joy.

28. Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.

So very true. And it does well to remember that and be thankful.

29. The real things haven’t changed. 

When you are in the midst of a struggle, it’s so easy to see how things could be better. How they should be better. And everything that is wrong in your current situation. So this sign is a good reminder to appreciate the simple pleasures of life and to be happy with what you have. After all, what really matters is how we act, in any given situation.

30. Be somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody.

It’s not about me. It’s not about my trials and struggles. It’s about those in my life. This sign helps me to remember that, and to put them and their needs first. It’s hard to remember that when you are busy or in the middle of a tough time.

31. Always stay humble and kind.

I actually like “Always be humble and kind“, not “stay”. But I suppose those words are copy-righted. 😆 Still, it’s a good reminder. And a great way to remember to be humble and thankful for what you do have.

32. Happiness is homemade.

Just a good reminder that life is what we make of it, momma. No one and nothing can make us happy. We have to choose to be happy. And you start by being thankful for your blessings.

33. I am just so thankful for all the different ways to eat potatoes.

😆 My 21-year-old is known for telling my 17-year-old to “have some potatoes with that!” Because meat is expensive, and my 17-year-old would rather fill up on meat than veggies. We garden. So, potatoes are free. 😂😂 I really am thankful for all of the different ways to eat potatoes!

34. Let your faith be bigger than your fear.

I was scared to be a freelance writer and blogger. Still am. 😆 But I’m so thankful I did it anyway. And this sign reminds me to trust God in everything, even my fear.

35. …and thank you for a house full of people I love.  Amen.

That just about sums it all up.

36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up, and never give up.

Come on Momma!! You got this!!

37. Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, my God that is who you are.

Another good one to remind you to be thankful even in the hard times, because no matter what it seems like right now, God will get you through it, and you will come out stronger on the other side. This one is actually lyrics of one of my favorite songs too.

38. When I say that I love you more, I don’t mean that I love you more than you love me. 

My daughter-in-law had a keychain or something on it that said “I love you the most”, with my son’s pic on it. It made me think of way back when, I always told my hubby that I loved him more when he’d tell me he loved me. 😆 This sign (and that key chain!) just kind of sums it all up, and reminds me that even in the fights, struggles, and hard times, I will always have him there, by my side.

39. Love the people God gave you because he will need them back someday.

No explanation needed.

40. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.

Just a reminder to be thankful even in the heartache. You have no idea where it will take you.

41. I like my coffee hot.  (Just like my husband.)

I remember the days when I could never drink a hot cup of coffee. Now I sit and sip it for a good half hour on the couch in the morning. So nice! You’ll get there too momma.

42. You can’t skip chapters, that’s not how life works.

I love reading. It is one of my all-time favorites. So this sign speaks to me because it reminds me that my story isn’t finished. The struggle and heartache always comes in the middle of the book. All I have to do is hold on and keep reading.

43. Shit Creek Survivor.

I don’t have this one, but I need it! 😂 You’ll make it through, momma. We all do.

44. What feels like the end is often the beginning.

This one is great to remember when times are tough. I like it because when you are faced with tough decisions, the pain is excruciating. But, it is often the beginning of something very sweet.

45. As a mother, my job is to take care of the possible and trust God with the impossible.

Not everything makes sense momma. And we can’t see what the future holds. So, just grab on and take it day by day.

46. If at first you don’t succeed, do it like your mother told you.

Yes, we should hang this somewhere where our kids will see it daily. 😁 But it’s also a good reminder that sometimes, kids just need to try it their way first. And then learn from their mistakes. And we need to step back and let that happen.

47. I believe in the sun even when it is not shining. I believe in love even when I cannot feel it. I believe in God even when He is silent.

This one gives me chills. It reminds me that sometimes, people are distant. But it doesn’t mean they don’t love you. They are probably just preoccupied or busy.

But more importantly, it helps me to remember that God is still there, even when He hasn’t answered your prayers. Oftentimes, His silence is an answer in and of itself. And, even in the struggle, He is still carrying you.

48. Let all that you do be done in love.

Sometimes our mundane, everyday chores can make us despise our life and question our choices, especially as stay-at-home moms. But that laundry, those dishes, and that supper that never quite seems to make itself are all so necessary. It is how we care for those we love the most. So do it with love.

49. I adore their smiles, I cherish their hugs…

Momma, hang this in the room that your kids fight the most in. 🤣😂 That way, as you stand there, wanting to scream at them, you’ll remember why you love them (and why you shouldn’t scream at them 😆 ).

50. I Choose Joy

I choose joy

I snapped a picture of this one at Hobby Lobby and showed it to my husband. Told him I want it. His reply?

“Joy is going to be happy.” 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤣 😂

Seriously though, momma. It’s up to you. You can hate where you are at right now and be horribly miserable. Or, you can choose joy.

In all situations.

51. If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.

Everybody wants to be somebody, momma. They all want to be valued, loved, and remembered. They want to leave a legacy. But what no one remembers is that it all starts at home. The most important job of every man and every woman is to raise their children. You have no idea what influence your child will have on the world; who his life will touch. But it’s your job to get him there. So, when the days get long and hard, remember that. And be thankful for the most important job in the whole wide world.

farm house signs
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