168 Frugal Bucket List for Summer Fun Ideas + Free Printable!

If you are ready to make this summer the most amazing summer ever, then I've got 168 crazy and fun summer bucket list ideas for you that won't cost a fortune!

Feeling those summer vibes yet? Finding yourself stuck in a rut on how to make it unforgettable without breaking the bank?

You’re not alone!

Lots of families juggle the urge to make lasting memories with the need to be money-savvy. But guess what?

Fun doesn’t have to be pricey!

Pin image that reads, "168 frugal bucket list for summer fun ideas, + a free bucket list planner!", with a collage of summer fun pics.

Your own backyard and home hold endless chances for joy, bonding, and adventure, all without the big price tag. This summer, I’m here to help you craft a summer bucket list that’s not just fun but budget-friendly too.

Get set to turn your regular days into amazing experiences, showing that the sweetest memories don’t have to cost a fortune.

Our Family Favorites

image of a little boy on a swing

I know your busy; if you don’t have time to read this post right now, here are my top summer bucket list activities:

  • Coolest – Run a mud run with your kids!
  • Craziest – Blow something up!
  • Most fun – Hit an outdoor water park on a hot day.
  • Most unique – Learn to fly fish.
  • Most interesting – Go somewhere historical.
  • Best at-home idea – Practice “Survivor” by building a fort out in the woods (or in your yard) and camping out for the night! Watch the Outdoor Boys for inspiration.
Pin image that reads, "168 cheap summer bucket list ideas", with an image of a family sitting on a dock eating watermelon.

So go ahead and pin this post for later, and come back and read it when you have more time!

Why Have a Summer Bucket List?

image of a little boy riding a bouncy horse in front of a white picket fence

Because it’s so much fun!

It’s summertime – you’re supposed to kick back and relax! And enjoy the season. Seize the day.

And all that sort of jazz.

No, seriously.

A summer bucket list will ensure that you do set aside some time for fun activities. Otherwise, you risk working all summer long.

The last thing your kids want to see is you, sitting on the deck, sipping on some lemonade, under that shade umbrella… with your computer. All summer long.

Nope, it’s best to create a summer bucket list right now and pin it up where you all can see it. And then make sure you schedule time in your day to cross those fun summer activities off!

How Do You Make a Summer Bucket List for Kids?

image of a little boy looking through a hole in the cement bridge

Okay, so to get started with your summer bucket list ideas, you’re going to have an awesome brainstorming session with your kiddos. And from that session, you’ll create your bucket list.

Here’s what you do:

1. Start by setting the mood.

Make some yummy snacks, such as pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, nachos, etc.

Or you could do summertime foods, like ice cream, lemonade, watermelon, etc. Whatever your kids like.

Make it a fun activity! You could even play some fun music and get all dressed up in beach attire!

2. Have a brainstorming session.

While you eat those yummy snacks and look all snazzy, have a great brainstorming session. Grab a poster board, chalk board, white dry erase board, or even some butcher paper!

Divide it into four sections:

  • At-home ideas – List all the fun things you could do right at home this summer!
  • Places to go – List all the places you’d love to visit this summer.
  • Things to do – List everything you wish you could do this summer.
  • Big ticket items – List the things you wish you could do, but aren’t sure, because they are spendy.

Grab some colored markers to make it more fun, or chalk, if you are using a chalk board. You could assign each kid their own color, or each section its own color.

Depending on how old your kids are, they can write down their ideas, or you can write them down, as they shout them out.

Set a timer and see how many you can get written down before the timer beeps!

You could even give the person with the most ideas a small prize.

Make it fun, and involve the entire family.

3. Sort your list.

image of a man and a boy looking out over a river

After you have a million ideas, you’ll need to sort them out. Because really, you can’t do everything that you want to do this summer.

I’d get a new sheet of paper, dry erase board, poster board, etc., for this activity.

And make three columns:

  • What you know you can do
  • What you think you can do
  • What you know you can’t do

It could be: CAN DO, MAYBE, and CAN’T for the column headings.

And separate your brainstorming session into these three columns.

4. Highlight or circle the activities you want to put on your bucket list.

After you have your activities all sorted, it’s time to decide what’s going on the final bucket list!

First, decide how many activities you want on your bucket list. You could do 5, 10, 12, 15, 30,or any number you want!

Next, run through the list of things you know you can do and choose out your favorites.

You could do this by having the whole family vote or by each family member choosing a certain number of activities. Or mom and dad could be the final say.

Circle or highlight your choices.

And then go through your MAYBE list in the same way.

Until you have your predetermined number of activities.

5. Write your fun summer list onto your free printable summer bucket list!

Download your free summer bucket lists and write down all your summer bucket list ideas.

Put your ultimate summer bucket list up somewhere where the entire family can see it. Maybe in your central command station.

And then when you create your summer schedule, make sure you schedule in time for your bucket list summer activities too!!

What are Some Cheap, Fun Summer Ideas?

image of a little boy hauling his sand toys in the back of his toy pickup

Alrighty, now that you know how to make a bucket list, and you have your free printable summer bucket lists, let’s talk about different ideas you can add to your list!

If you and your family get stuck during your brainstorming session, here are some ideas:

  1. Attend a local outdoor movie
  2. Attend arts and craft days
  3. Do a tour of local parks
  4. Eat a snow cone
  5. Enroll in swimming lessons
  6. Bird watching
  7. Camping
  8. Fishing
  9. Garage saleing
  10. Hiking
  11. Go on a nature walk
  12. Go to a splash pad
  13. Go to bible school
  14. Go to the beach
  15. Go to the fireworks
  16. Go to the lake
  17. Go to the library
  18. Go to the skate park
  19. Have a picnic
  20. Have a picnic in the park
  21. Hit the bike trails
  22. Join 4H
  23. Join baseball
  24. Join football
  25. Join soccer
  26. Join the summer reading program
  27. Make a sandcastle
  28. Pick up Dairy Queen and bring it to a park
  29. Play frisbee golf
  30. Skip rocks
  31. Swim in the middle of the lake
  32. Take a boat ride
  33. Take a pontoon ride
  34. Visit Grandma and Grandpa
  35. Visit the pool
  36. Play in the river
  37. Visit the zoo
  38. Walk barefoot in the sand
  39. Watch a parade
  40. Visit a local park
  41. Visit the Children’s Museum

This awesome mix of summer activities brings together adventure, chill vibes, and chances to learn. It’s all about soaking up the sun and creating unforgettable moments for everyone.

At Home Summer Bucket List Ideas

image of a little boy sitting on a bouncy chair in front of a sandbox at night

Okay, the above list was pretty generic. I mean, that’s stuff we all typically do, in the summer anyways, right?

But when you’re on a tight budget, you don’t have the money to do anything too crazy during the summer.

So, here’s a few good ideas that you can do right at home!

  1. Blow bubbles
  2. Build a fort
  3. Build a tree house
  4. Camp in the tree house
  5. Camp in your backyard
  6. Chase fireflies
  7. Climb a tree
  8. Create a themed summer menu
  9. Create your own water slide with your hose and slide
  10. Dance in the rain
  11. Eat breakfast outside
  12. Eat lunch outside
  13. Eat supper outside
  14. Fly a kite
  15. Get a hammock
  16. Get a pet
  17. Give your kids an outside bubble bath
  18. Go for a bike ride
  19. Have a bonfire
  20. Have a nerf gun war and build your own forts
  21. Have a picnic outside
  22. Scavenger hunt
  23. Squirt gun fight
  24. Have a staycation
  25. Have a water balloon fight
  26. Play yard games
  27. Have an at-home car wash, where you wash the bikes and sand box toys
  28. Have an ice cream party
  29. Have an outdoor movie night
  30. Hula hoop
  31. Rollerblade
  32. Skateboard
  33. Lie on the grass and look for shapes in the clouds
  34. Make a bird feeder
  35. Make a race car track out of sidewalk chalk
  36. Make fresh squeezed lemonade
  37. Make ice cream blizzards
  38. Make paper airplanes
  39. Make root beer floats
  40. Make s’mores
  41. Make wishes on a dandelion
  42. Make your own ice cream sandwiches
  43. Make homemade popsicles
  44. Paint rocks
  45. Play baseball
  46. Play basketball
  47. Play football
  48. Play frisbee
  49. Play kickball
  50. Play on the slip and slide
  51. Play track ball
  52. Play video games in the tree house
  53. Play volleyball
  54. Practice “Survivor”
  55. Put a sprinkler under the trampoline
  56. Read a book in the tree house
  57. Read a book under a tree
  58. Run through the sprinkler
  59. Set up a swimming pool
  60. Sleep outside on the trampoline
  61. Spend the entire day barefoot
  62. Star gaze
  63. Start an ant farm
  64. Teach your kids your childhood favorite games
  65. Unplug for one day
  66. Watch a thunderstorm
  67. Watch the sun rise
  68. Watch the sun set
  69. Chase the ice cream truck
  70. Perform random acts of kindness
  71. Have a treasure hunt
image of three little boys lining up a green foam football

Check out this awesome list of activities that guarantee loads of fun and adventure while creating lasting memories!

What are some interesting bucket list ideas?

image of a little boy popping out of a tower of tires.

Looking for something out of the ordinary to do with your kids this summer?

Here’s some great ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

  1. Collect seashells
  2. Enroll some projects in the county fair
  3. Arrowhead hunting
  4. Metal detecting
  5. Go on a nature walk
  6. Go rock hunting
  7. Go somewhere historical
  8. Learn about different cultures, including eating their cuisine
  9. Fly fish
  10. Shoot a bow and arrow
  11. Look for agates
  12. Make a lemonade stand
  13. Plant some trees
  14. Polish rocks
  15. Run a 5K with your kids
  16. Start a garden
  17. Start a rock collection
  18. Start a summer family journal
  19. Water ski
  20. Visit a local farmer’s market
  21. Visit a nature center
  22. Visit a U-pick farm, to pick strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, corn, and asparagus

Whether you’re seeking adventure, learning, or simply fun outdoor activities, this comprehensive list has something for everyone to make this summer unforgettable.

What are Some Cool Bucket List Ideas?

image of a little boy holding a German Shepherd puppy's face in his hands.

We have a few items to add some excitement, along with some unique ideas! Explore these engaging activities:

  1. Attend a demo derby
  2. Attend an outdoor concert
  3. Bury a time capsule
  4. Go canoeing
  5. Go horseback riding
  6. Go kayaking
  7. Go to a roller skating rink
  8. Go to the races
  9. Join a watermelon seed spitting contest
  10. Jump in the puddles
  11. Learn string games
  12. Jet ski
  13. Make friendship bracelets
  14. Make homemade ice cream
  15. Pull a tube behind the boat
  16. Put a water slide out in the lake
  17. Put a trampoline in the lake
  18. Race toy boats in the river
  19. Rend some water crafts
  20. Run a color run with your kids
  21. Throw rocks in the river
  22. Try to hit all the national parks in your state
  23. Visit a waterfall
  24. Visit the ocean
  25. Go to a water park

With these ideas in hand, you’re all set to create unforgettable memories and experience the sheer joy of outdoor adventures.

What are Crazy Summer Bucket List Ideas?

image of a little boy sitting on a swing set smirking, holding on to his bare feet.

These ideas range from adventurous to a bit wild – all up to how much thrill you seek for your kids this summer!

  1. Blow something up
  2. Bury your kids in the sand
  3. Play in the waves on a very windy day
  4. Ride in a hot air balloon
  5. Roll down a hill
  6. Sign up for a hot dog eating contest
  7. Sign up for a pie eating contest
  8. Teach your kids to surf

Okay, here me out on #1!! I know I piqued your interest at the beginning of this article.

Let’s just say you have an old appliance, or something you no longer need. And you live way out in the boondocks.

You could blow it up! That’s what my husband and his brother do!

You need to have someone who is trained and knows what they are doing (they are and do). And you need to take all of the necessary safety precautions. 

And check and follow all laws in your area.

So, with that said, I also have to say that I am not telling you to do this, or recommending you do it, and am in no way liable for any harm or wrong-doing if you should decide to do it. (Or anything else in this post!!)

All liability for harm (And legal consequences! Cause I don’t know the law around this!!) reside on your shoulders.

I’m just saying it’s something you could add to your crazy summer bucket list.

What is Number 1 on Most People’s Bucket List?

image of a boy with sunglasses on the top of his head sitting in front of a big body of water

The only data I could find related to what is #1 on most people’s bucket lists pertained to adults, not kids.

But it’s still interesting!

Here’s what tops the bucket lists, according to YouGovAmerica:

  • Get healthier or lose weight (41% of Americans with a bucket list)
  • Travel to an exotic location (35%)
  • Achieve wealth goal, such as paying off debt (29%)
  • See a natural wonder (28%)
  • Own a home (27%)
  • Change someone’s life for the better (27%)

I’m not quite sure how those numbers work out to 100% … I’m just the reporter.

Free Printable Summer Bucket List

pin image reading, "Free summer bucket list planner" with an image of the planner pages on a palm tree background

Ready to make your summer unforgettable? Download our Free Summer Bucket List Planner now and start planning your adventures!

Whether you’re aiming to tackle something as exhilarating as witnessing a natural wonder or as fulfilling as changing someone’s life, our planner has got you covered.

Just click the button below to get your hands on this invaluable tool and begin crafting a summer filled with memorable experiences.

At the End of the Day…

Pin image that reads, "168 frugal summer bucket list ideas for families", with an image of three children laying on a towel in the sand

At the end of the day, a bucket list is simply a way to keep track of your aspirations and dreams. Whether you’re looking to try new things, achieve certain goals, or simply have fun, a bucket list can help guide and motivate you.

So don’t be afraid to dream big and add some exciting items to your summer bucket list. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up crossing off something you never thought was possible.

What is number 1 on your bucket list?

More Fun Summer Ideas

Playing in the Rain Ideas

After-Dark Fun

Outside Family Games

Wet & Crazy Summer Fun Ideas

Things to Do When It’s Too Hot Outside

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1 thought on “168 Frugal Bucket List for Summer Fun Ideas + Free Printable!”

  1. You have so many good ideas! I have been looking for some fun outdoor activities to entertain the kids this summer. I am having our carpets professionally cleaned next week so I need something fun for the kids to do in the backyard while the cleaners are here haha. Thanks for sharing!!!


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