Hey there momma!!
Ug. What a day!
I am so overwhelmed!! Like, so much going on for work. So much going on with my kids. And to top it all off, I am having phone and computer problems. I was so frustrated this morning!!
When I’m on a time crunch the last thing I need is computer issues! And my phone! SOS mode for the last month!! UGGGGG! 😩
It’s all a very long story, and I don’t have time to tell it. I considered taking a mental health day this morning, and just walking away from it all for a bit.
I opted to go for a run instead. 😅 And now I’m back and feeling so much better!! I can do this momma!! 💪🏻
And I know you are feeling incredibly overwhelmed and frustrated as well. Sometimes it’s hard to keep it together, am I right?!? Like, the littlest things will set you off or ruin your entire day!
I know! I hear ya!!
And I’m telling you – go for a run!! 😆 It’s like a miracle drug.
Here’s what exercise can do for your mental, emotional, and physical health, momma:
1. Improved Mood
Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters that can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Regular exercise has been shown to improve overall mental health and reduce symptoms of depression and other mood disorders.
2. Reduced Risk of Disease
Exercise can help to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Regular physical activity can help to lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels.
3. Increased Energy Levels
Exercise increases energy levels by improving circulation and oxygen flow throughout the body. This can give you more energy throughout the day and make it easier to stay focused and productive.
4. Improved Sleep Quality
Regular exercise can also improve sleep quality by helping to regulate hormones that affect sleep patterns, such as melatonin and cortisol. It can also help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
5. Strengthened Bones & Muscles
Exercise helps to strengthen bones and muscles by increasing bone density and muscle mass over time. This is especially important for older adults who may be at risk for osteoporosis or age-related muscle loss.
6. Improved Balance & Coordination
Exercise can help to improve balance and coordination by strengthening core muscles, which are responsible for stabilizing the body during movement. This can help reduce the risk of falls in older adults or athletes engaging in high-impact activities like running or skiing.
7. Weight Control
Regular exercise is an important part of any weight loss plan as it helps to burn calories while building muscle mass at the same time. Combining diet with exercise is one of the most effective ways to reach a healthy weight goal over time without sacrificing nutrition or compromising your health in any way.
8. Better Digestion
Exercise helps to stimulate digestion by increasing blood flow throughout the digestive system, which aids in nutrient absorption as well as waste elimination from the body more efficiently than if left alone.
9. Improved Cognitive Function
Exercise has been linked with improved cognitive function due to increased oxygen flow throughout the brain, leading to better concentration, focus, memory, decision-making skills, creativity, problem-solving skills, reaction times, information processing speeds, language skills, planning abilities, abstract thinking capabilities, multitasking capabilities.
10. Strengthened Immune System
Regular physical activity has been linked with a stronger immune system due to increased production of white blood cells that fight off infection. Additionally, exercise reduces inflammation in the body which is often associated with illnesses like cancer or autoimmune diseases.
11. Lower Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease but regular exercise has been proven effective at lowering both systolic (top number) and diastolic (bottom number) readings over time when combined with other lifestyle changes such as reducing sodium intake or quitting smoking.
12. Increased Stamina
Physical activity strengthens your cardiovascular system which allows you to perform more strenuous activities for longer periods of time without feeling fatigued or out of breath quickly. Additionally, regular aerobic activity trains your body’s muscles so they become more efficient at using oxygen efficiently resulting in improved stamina during activities like running or cycling.
13. Stress Relief
The release of endorphins during physical activity has long been known as an effective way of reducing stress levels naturally without having to rely on medications or alcohol consumption. Additionally regular physical activity improves self-esteem which often leads people feeling better about themselves even when faced with difficult situations that cause stress in their lives.
14. Improved Flexibility & Range Of Motion
Exercise increases flexibility by stretching out tight muscles over time making them less prone to injury while also allowing them greater range of motion when performing daily tasks, such as reaching up on high shelves or bending down low for objects, and etcetera.
15. Enhanced Libido
Physical activity not only improves overall health, but it also boosts your libido. 🙃 I’m not going to go into the specifics here ladies cause I’m just a wee bit old fashioned, but let’s just say you might want to start exercising, if you currently don’t. 😉
16. Stronger Heart & Lungs
Regular aerobic exercises strengthens both your heart and lungs, allowing them to work together efficiently, pumping oxygenated blood throughout your body while removing carbon dioxide and waste products from your.
17. Improved Posture
Bad posture often results in poor alignment, causing strained joints, ligaments, tendons, disks, and spine, leading to pain and discomfort. But regular physical activity strengthens core muscles, supporting the spine and maintaining proper posture, even when sitting, standing, walking, running, etcetera.
18. Reduced Risk Of Injury
Stronger muscles, better balance and coordination, improved flexibility and range of motion all contribute to a reduced risk of injuries from everyday activities, such as sports, recreation, etcetera.
There you have it momma! 18 very good reasons to get your butt moving – especially when you are super stressed out and overwhelmed!
I’ve been a mom for 25 years, momma. And a runner for…well, technically, since high school. And I can tell you from experience, I am a much better mother and wife when I take the time to exercise.
So, there’s reason number 19 – exercise makes you a better person. 😁
Now I’ve got to get my son to the doctr, and you have some tennies to lace up!!