Genius Back to School Money Saving Tips to Save Big!

Want to keep your budget intact this school year? My money saving tips for back to school shopping will help you save big while ensuring your child has everything they need for success

Hey there, momma! As those summer days start to fade, the buzz of a new school year is in the air! But let’s be real—it can also bring a bit of financial stress for us sahms.

Balancing the costs of school supplies and clothes for multiple children can feel like a daunting task, especially when it all hits at once. I totally get it—watching your budget stretch thinner with every item on that shopping list is tough!

The image features the text "Genius Back to School MONEY SAVING TIPS To Save Big!" prominently displayed over a background of colorful spiral notebooks and pens. The word "Genius" is written in a casual, handwritten font at the top, while the rest of the text is in bold, eye-catching fonts. The design is bright and inviting, aimed at grabbing attention and conveying helpful advice on how to save money during the back-to-school season. The bottom right corner includes a small "Making Mommies" logo.

But here’s the good news: you don’t have to break the bank getting your kiddos ready for school! With a few smart strategies and a little resourcefulness, you can save big while ensuring your kids step into the classroom ready to shine.

Let’s dive into some practical tips that can help lighten that financial load and make back-to-school shopping a breeze! You’ve got this, momma!

Main Points

I know you’re super busy, juggling everything with the kiddos, so here’s my biggest tips to help you get started:

  • Set a Budget

  • Make a List

  • Look for Sales and Discounts

  • Shop Sales Early

  • Reuse and Repurpose

  • Thrift Shopping

  • Communicate with Other Parents

  • Consider Generic Brands

  • Involve Your Kids

Remember, you can always come back and read the rest of these tips when you’ve got a bit more time! Be sure to pin this page for later so you can easily find your way back to it—it’ll be a valuable resource as you navigate your shopping!

How to Create a Back to School Shopping Budget

Creating a back-to-school budget doesn’t have to be a daunting task! In fact, it’s a great opportunity to get organized and make the most of your hard-earned money.

A well-thought-out spending plan not only helps you keep track of your expenses but also ensures that you’re prepared for all those essentials your little ones need for the upcoming year. Let’s dive into some simple yet effective steps to help you create a plan that will guide your shopping and keep you from overspending.

1. Figure Out How Much You Have to Spend

image of a little boy sitting on a bow window with his jacket and backpack on

Before you start shopping, it’s essential to know exactly how much dough you have available. Take a moment to sit down and list any funds you’ve set aside for back-to-school shopping.

Don’t forget to consider any additional income that might come in as well, like a bonus or small freelance jobs! This really helps you have a clear picture of your budget and alleviates any stress related to overspending.

Plus, once you know how much you have, you can break it down into categories—like supplies, clothing, and activities—making it easier to keep track of your spending as you go.

2. List All Anticipated Back to School Expenses

image of a back to school budget planner

Our school gives the kids a list of supplies they need, broken down by grade and teacher.

But if your school doesn’t, you’ll need to think about what your kids will need, like notebooks, pencils, and textbooks, as well as clothing, backpacks, and possibly even extracurricular activities.

Don’t forget to include any fees for special events that might pop up! Think classroom parties, sports fee, tech fees, etc.

3. Allocate Money to Each Budget Category and Stick to It

image of back to school shopping budget categories in the back to school budget template

Now that you’ve got your anticipated expenses lined up, it’s time to start dividing up your money! Take a look at your categories—supplies, clothing, activities—and decide how much money you can realistically allocate to each one.

It can be super helpful to set specific limits for each category to avoid any last-minute surprises. For instance, maybe you need to spend a little more on that new backpack (because backpacks are ridiculously overpriced lately!!) so you’ll have to scale back on the fancy supplies, like the smelly markers or the stylish lunch box.

Keep an open dialogue with your kids during this process; this encourages their input and helps them understand the importance of budgeting.

4. Use a Back to School Budget Template

The image displays a "Back to School Budget Planner" with multiple copies of the planner sheets spread out in the background. The central text reads "FREE DOWNLOAD!! Back to School BUDGET PLANNER" in a mix of fonts, with the word "BUDGET" emphasized in a bold, teal outline. The planner sheets include categories like "School Supplies" and "Extracurricular Activities," with columns for planned and actual expenses. The overall design is colorful and organized, aimed at helping families prepare financially for the back-to-school season. The bottom right corner features a small "Making Mommies" logo.

Claim Your Free Back to School Budget Template!

Using a back-to-school budget template can be a fantastic way to streamline your planning process! Think of it as your budgeting buddy—it keeps everything organized and helps you stay on track.

You can find a variety of templates online, download mine, or you could even create your own! This approach not only makes it easier to see your overall spending at a glance, but it also gives your kids a fun way to get involved.

How to Save Money on School Supplies

image of a little boy getting on a school bus out in the country

Now that you’ve created your budget and involved your kids in the process, it’s time to shift gears and focus on how to save money on those school supplies.

Let’s dive into some savvy tips that will help you snag those essentials without breaking the bank!

1. Shop Sales

Watch for back-to-school sales! Many retailers offer great discounts on school supplies, so timing your purchases can lead to significant savings. Check flyers, apps, and your favorite stores’ websites for the best deals!

2. Buy on Clearance

Retailers often discount unsold items from peak seasons, allowing you to find great supplies at a fraction of the cost.

Keep an eye on these sections year-round, and you’ll be amazed at the deals you can score! If possible, stock up at the end of this year’s back-to-school season for next year!

3. Buy in Bulk

Buying school supplies in bulk can lead to significant savings, especially on items like paper, pencils, and notebooks that your kids will use all year. This is particularly helpful if you have more than one child.

4. Buy Generic

Opting for generic or store-brand products can help you save a significant amount on school supplies without sacrificing quality. Many times, these items are just as reliable as their branded counterparts.

(Except Crayons – Crayola is by far the best!!)

5. Reuse Last Year’s School Supplies

Before rushing out to buy all new supplies, take a moment to check what you already have at home. Reusing the same school supplies not only helps your budget but also encourages kids to be mindful of their resources!

6. Host a School Supply Swap

Gathering friends and neighbours for a school supply swap can be a fun and cost-effective way to refresh your school supplies! Encourage everyone to bring items they no longer need, allowing each family to exchange for new-to-them items while strengthening community ties and fostering a spirit of sharing.

7. Consider the School Supply Box

Our school offers a school supply box, so that you can skip school shopping altogether! This might not always be the best deal, but if school shopping means a trip to town, a meal out, and snacks along the way, it can easily end up cheaper than actually running around town trying to score all the best deals!

8. Stick to the School Supply List

Sticking to the school supply list provided by your child’s teacher is a smart way to avoid overspending and ensures you purchase only what is truly necessary.

9. Price Check School Supplies

Before making any purchases, it’s a great idea to compare prices at different stores or online using Google Shopping. This simple step can help you find the best deals, ensuring that you get the most value for your money.

10. Order Online

Ordering school supplies online can be a fantastic way to save both time and money, especially when using tools for shopping online like cash-back apps and price comparison extensions. Shopping online also provides access to a wider inventory compared to traditional in-store shopping.

11. Use the Dollar Stores

Shopping at dollar stores can be a fantastic way to save money on school supplies! These stores often carry a variety of essential items at a fraction of the price, allowing you to stock up on everything from notebooks to pens without breaking the bank.

How to Save on Back to School Clothing and Shoes

image of a little boy in a playground with a stocking cap on

When it comes to saving on back to school clothing and shoes, I’ve certainly honed my skills, especially as a parent of six boys!

Let’s dive into some practical strategies I’ve learned over the years that can help you stretch your hard-earned cash while ensuring your little ones are ready for the school year ahead!

1. Go Through What You Already Have

Before heading out to shop, take a moment to review your children’s current wardrobe and identify what still fits and what can be reused.

2. Use Hand Me Downs

Hand-me-downs are a lifesaver for saving money on clothing, especially for growing kids. After sorting through the boys’ closets, I check my totes of clothes and shoes to see what they’ve grown in to.

3. Check Sales and Clearances

When shopping for back-to-school clothing, take advantage of sales and clearance events to find great deals. And if money allows, buy at the end of every season and save it for next year!

4. Shop Thrift Stores

Thrift stores are treasure troves for affordable and unique clothing options, so don’t hesitate to explore them! Once Upon a Child and Plato’s Closet are my favorite.

5. Shop on Facebook Marketplace and Similar Sites

Shopping on platforms like Facebook Marketplace can be a fantastic way to find gently used items at a great price, making it easier to stick to your budget. Plus, you never know when you’ll stumble upon a hidden gem that your kids will absolutely adore!

6. Pay Attention to Sales Taxes

When shopping for back-to-school clothes, watch for local sales tax holidays. These events usually let you buy clothing and school supplies tax-free, making it a great time to stock up!

Additionally, some states don’t charge sales tax on clothing. If you live in one of those states, shop locally!

7. Stay Away From Name Brands

Sticking to more affordable options rather than name brands can make a significant difference. Focus on finding quality items that suit your children’s tastes without paying a premium for a label—after all, it’s the fun and confidence in what they wear that truly matters!

Ways to Save Money on Extracurricular Activities

image of a little boy in football pads and a helmet

Extracurriculars cost extra mooh-la!! 💸 But there are plenty of ways to involve your kiddos without overspending.

Here are some smart tips to save money on those extracurricular activities:

1. Choose Community-Based Programs or Local Sports Teams

If you live in a large city, choosing community-based programs or local sports teams can be a fantastic way to keep your kids engaged while being budget-friendly! These options often come with lower fees.

2. Look for Discounts or Scholarships for Sports or Music Lessons

Many organizations and community centers offer discounts or scholarships specifically for sports and music lessons, so it’s worth doing a bit of research!

3. Buy Used or Discounted Equipment

Buying used or discounted equipment is a smart way to save money. There are plenty of great online marketplaces or local thrift stores where you can find quality gear at a fraction of the original price.

My favorite is Play it Again Sports.

4. Utilize Hand-Me Downs

With six boys, we save equipment and shoes to pass down. (As long as it’s still in good shape!)

If you don’t have a lot of children, you can ask friends and family to save their outgrown shoes, gloves, helmets, instruments, etc.

5. Be Mindful of the Total Cost

When choosing your extracurricular activities, keep in mind the total cost of that activity. Things like uniforms, travel, meals, hotel stays, and equipment can really add up!

Being from Minnesota, hockey is huge. But it’s also super expensive, with a lot of travel.

We had to take that into consideration when choosing our winter sports.

6. Offer Team Clothing as a Gift

Every club and sport offers clothing, not only for the team, but for the fans as well. And they are usually sold as a fundraiser.

We support the team buy purchasing these items as Christmas and birthday gifts. If we were to buy everyone a new sweatshirt every year, for every sport, it’d be $500 dollar bill! (Times three sports!)

7. Limit their Extracurricular Activities

I am a BIG fan of not overscheduling children. Limiting your kids’ extracurricular activities can be a great way to keep both their schedules and your budget manageable.

Plus, by focusing on just a few key interests, you’ll also help them develop deeper skills and friendships.

Bonus Money-Saving Tips for Back to School

image of three boys laying on the bleachers

Here’s a few more money saving tips I’ve learned over the years!

1. Use Cash Back Apps

Using cash back apps is a smart way to squeeze a little more value out of your spending! These apps often provide you with a percentage back on your purchases, which can add up quickly, especially during back-to-school shopping.

2. Buy During Online Holidays

Taking advantage of online holidays like Prime Day, Cyber Monday, or Back-to-School sales can save you a bundle! Keep an eye out for these events to stock up on supplies.

3. Spend a Little More for Durable, High Quality Items

Investing a bit more upfront in durable, high-quality items can really pay off in the long run. I especially invest in good-quality backpacks, so that I can get more than one year out of them.

4. Cut Your Own Hair (Or use college students)

If you’ve got a little talent, consider cutting your kiddo’s hair – or ask a family member to do it. Or another smart idea is to take your kids to the local college cosmetology program, where the college students will cut for cheaper, because they need the experience.

5. Utilize School Programs and Discounts

Many schools offer programs that provide free or reduced-price supplies, and local businesses often have special discounts for students and families, so don’t hesitate to ask around—you might be pleasantly surprised by the savings!

6. Download Apps to Your Favorite Stores

Downloading apps from your favorite stores can be a game-changer when it comes to saving money! Not only do these apps often provide exclusive deals and promotions, but they can also make shopping more convenient, allowing you to quickly find the best prices.

7. Find Stores That Price Match

Finding stores that price match can be a fantastic strategy for stretching your back-to-school budget even further! By simply showing them a competitor’s lower price, you can snag that essential item without breaking the bank, ensuring you get the best deal possible while shopping!

8. Use Coupons

Whether you find coupons in newspapers, online, or through your favorite store’s app, every little bit adds up and helps you stick to your budget!

9. DIY It

Getting creative with DIY projects can not only save you money but also add a personal touch to your back-to-school supplies! Whether it’s decorating notebooks or repurposing old backpacks, making things yourself can be a fun way to express your style while keeping costs down.

10. Do Not Charge It!!

By paying in cash or using a debit card, you’ll keep your spending in check and avoid any surprise debt later on—plus, it feels so much better to know you’re only buying what you can afford!

11. Leave the Kiddos at Home

Leaving the kids at home while you tackle back-to-school shopping can be a game changer! Not only will it help you stay focused and keep distractions at bay, but it also lets you compare prices.

Plus, it can curb all the “extras” those kids manage to wrangle out of us!

12. Space it Out

Spacing out your back-to-school shopping can be a real lifesaver! By spacing it out, you can avoid the rush, make thoughtful decisions about what you really need, and take the time to look for the best deals without feeling overwhelmed.

Plus, you can spend a little throughout the summer, rather than one big lump sum at the end. That often feels less painful.

14. Wait Until School Starts

Waiting until school starts to make certain purchases can be a savvy strategy! Many retailers offer great discounts on supplies as the back-to-school season winds down, allowing you to score some fantastic deals.


Got questions about navigating the back-to-school shopping season? I’ve got you covered with some helpful answers!

How much money should I save for back-to-school shopping?

It really depends on your family’s specific needs and preferences, but a good rule of thumb is to save between $100 to $300 per child. This range typically covers essential items like supplies, clothing, and tech necessities.

What is a reasonable budget for back to school shopping?

It can vary widely based on age, school requirements, and personal circumstances, but aiming for around $200 to $400 per child is a great starting point.

This usually covers essential supplies like notebooks, pens, clothing, and even some tech gear if needed.

What are back-to-school shoppers spending the most money on?

Back-to-school shoppers typically spend the most on clothing and footwear, as kids often need a fresh wardrobe to kick off the new school year. Technological items like laptops, tablets, and calculators have also become essential expenses, particularly for older students.

School supplies like backpacks, notebooks, and writing tools also contribute significantly to the overall spending.

At the End of the Day…

The image showcases the text "BACK TO SCHOOL MONEY SAVING TIPS for SAHMs!" with a focus on stay-at-home moms. The background features a close-up of a teal backpack with colorful notebooks and pens neatly arranged beside it. The text is bold and straightforward, with a playful arrow pointing towards the words "For SAHMs!" at the bottom. The design is clean and visually appealing, emphasizing practical tips to help moms save money during the back-to-school season. The "Making Mommies" logo is positioned at the bottom right corner.

At the end of the day, remember that back-to-school shopping is not just about supplies and expenses—it’s about setting your child up for success and fostering excitement for the new year. While it’s easy to get caught up in costs, the most important thing to keep in mind is creating a positive experience.

Focus on the essentials, make it a fun outing (especially if you bring the kids), and cherish those special moments together.

To help you stay organized and budget-friendly this season, download our back-to-school budget template today! With a little thoughtfulness and planning, you can ensure this back-to-school season is both enjoyable and cost-effective!

The image features a promotional graphic for a "Free Back to School Budget Template." The top half of the image has a black background with the text "FREE BACK TO SCHOOL BUDGET TEMPLATE" written in bold, white lettering, with "FREE" highlighted in a glowing effect. Below, a person's hands are holding a budget planner with various sections labeled for school supplies, clothing, shoes, extracurricular activities, and other related expenses. The planner is spiral-bound and rests on a white surface with a purple cup and a few small office supplies nearby. The bottom of the image has the text "Making Mommas" in a handwritten-style font.

Claim Your Free Back to School Budget Template!

More on Back to School & Saving Money

How to Create a Back-to-School Daily Routine Without the Stress

Frugal Meal Planning: How to Save Money {From a Mom of 6!}

Big Family, Small Budget: 125 Extreme Frugal Living Ideas

Frugal Living Tips 101: Ways to Save Money for Beginners

How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck and Manage Your Money Better

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