31 Best Side Hustles for Stay at Home Moms

Here are the best side hustles for stay at home moms. If you want to make a little extra money, check out these ideas!

Are you wondering if there are side hustles for stay at home moms that actually make money?

When I first started staying home, I really wanted to help out with the family finances.  Mostly because we were struggling to make ends meet.  But also because the ability to make money and support my family was part of my identity.

Once the ability to make money was taken away from me, I didn’t feel “good enough”.  Staying home wasn’t “good enough”.  I had to do more, be more, and make more.

Do you ever feel that way?

I started blogging and freelance writing because I thought I could make money from it.  I thought it’d be easy! And I’d be able to support my family doing something that I loved, from home.  Part-time.

Pursuing a side hustle is not easy

side hustles that make you money as a sahm

Well, it turned out that it was NOT easy. And it took six years for me to start making money.  I had no idea what I was doing, which was part of the problem.

But I think the other part of the problem was that I had to learn to be happy with what I had first.  And with what I was doing.

To be honest, once I gave up, and gave it all to God, I started making money.  I literally told God I didn’t care anymore; that I didn’t need to make money.  I didn’t need to blog, or freelance.  I told Him I’d do whatever He wanted me to do. 

Even if that meant ‘just being a stay-at-home mom’. 

[Read: How to be a Stay at Home Mom: A Completely Honest Guide to Becoming a Sahm.]

I started using gratitude and genuinely feeling thankful for everything in my life.  I worked really hard to live within our means and to stop wanting more.

And I continued to blog and pitch for freelance clients, because I thought, ‘might as well until God gives me something else to do’.

And that’s when I finally started to make some money.

Side hustles for stay-at-home moms that actually make money

services you can offer as a sahm

But, what if you know you are ready to take on a side hustle?  And you feel overwhelmed, trying to figure out which one would be best for you?

Not all side hustles are created equal!  😆. Here are the side hustles I think work best for SAHMs.

I only included those that I would do, have tried, or have considered doing.  There’s a lot more that I think would just be too hard if you are caring for young children or would get in the way of putting your kids first. 

There’s many more, such as taking online surveys, that I think are just nonsense.  I’m sure they work, but I just can’t get behind it. Call me old school.  🤷🏻‍♀️

The other thing to remember is that no matter what you choose to do, it is going to be work. And in my experience, starting a part-time business is harder than actually getting up and going to work.  100% hands down.

So be prepared to put some work into this.  No matter what you choose to do, you are going to have to treat it like a business, or you won’t be successful.

BTW, some links are affiliate links, which means I earn a small commission if you choose to purchase something from these links.  It’s one way I make money off my blog, and it costs you nothing extra. I never link to products or services that I would not use myself. For more info, see my disclosure policy.

1.  Freelance writing

freelance writing from home

Of course, I have to start with my favorite!  😁

Many SAHMs make a lot of money freelancing.  And I know it can be done because I have done it.  But, like I said, it took me six years because I didn’t know what I was doing.  I had to learn a whole new field.

I bought Elna Cain’s freelance writing course, but I never really followed it. When I finally decided to make it a business, I dusted off her course and implemented it, step by step.

I did exactly what she said to do and landed a client within two weeks!!

Six years to two weeks. Crazy!

So, if you are going to freelance, get her course.  It’ll save you many years of wasted time.

2.  Blogging

how to become a money making blogger

Blogging is my next favorite way to make money!  LOL.

I have not been as successful with making money from blogging as I have with freelancing.  Even Elna says the fastest way to make money is to offer a service.

Freelancing is a service.

But I have made a little money here and there, from my blog. And I hope to continue in that direction. 

Many moms have made a lot of money from blogging, Elna included. 

So, if you are serious about blogging for money, then I would suggest getting Elna’s course, Ready Set Blog for Traffic.  I didn’t start making money until I bought and implemented her course.

I’m not saying you need to buy these courses to make money – or any course, for that matter.  You can do it on your own, without a course.

It’s just that I didn’t know what I was doing.  😆  These courses helped me to know what I should do, and what I should stop wasting time on.  I guess you can do it the hard way, but for free, or do it the easy way, but invest a little. 

🤷🏻‍♀️  Up to you.

3.  Become a Virtual Assistant (VA)

Offering a service is the fastest way to make money, and a virtual assistant is one service you can offer.

Think of office administrators, secretaries, and receptionists.

Whatever you would normally do in an office, you can do from home.  It’s like being someone’s personal secretary but from your own home.  ☺️

Or you can do like Laura does, at Scattered Woman, and help entrepreneurs with their online business. She helps with websites, marketing, and blogging.

4.  Become a coach

If you have expertise or training in a certain area, you can offer your help as a coach or a mentor.

There are so many coaching possibilities!  You could be a business coach, parenting coach, personal improvement coach, or even an exercise coach. With the internet, everything is possible!

If you need help getting started, Sara Anna Powers is a great coach who teaches women how to start their own businesses.  I have taken her Magnetic Messaging course and learned a lot, just from her course.  I’m sure her private coaching lessons are amazing.

5.  Become a tutor

businesses that make you money as a sahm

If you have a background in education, or love teaching, you could become a tutor. 

You could teach in person or online.  You could contract your services out or you could work with a tutoring agency.

To learn how to become a tutor, visit Care.com.

6.  Create and sell printables

Printables are apparently a hot item!  😂🤣 I’m old school, so I had a hard time wrapping my head around this one at first.  People actually create things that you can download and print off on your computer – and charge you for it?!?

But I have boughten my own printables from time to time, mostly planner inserts.  I’m always on the hunt for the best planner.  (I finally gave up and am bullet journaling instead.  I love it!)

If you want to learn how to make and sell printables, check out this post from Twins Mommy.

7.  Create and sell online courses

courses to create and sell that will make money

Online courses are huge!

If you have expert knowledge, you can pack it up in a sweet little online tutorial. Teach others how to do what you do!

I have taken many, many online courses over the years.  Most of them are for starting my own business, freelance writing, and blogging.  But right now, I’m taking an online dog training course! And I love it!

If you want to learn how to make and sell online courses, check out this post from Neil Patel.

8.  Web design

If you have experience designing websites, you can offer to design websites for entrepreneurs – and other moms looking to start a side gig!

That’s what Dara, from the Busy Mom Launch Squad, does. 

If I remember right, she is a self-taught website designer.  You can do anything if you are willing to learn and put a little time into it!

9.  Website maintenance and/or development

I love designing my own website, so I doubt I’d ever hire out for that. The designing part is fun for me.

But the maintenance?  That sucks!

I wish I could hire someone to do website maintenance for me. 

If you are good at it or can at least stomach it 😆, it might be a viable side hustle option for you!  And often it only takes a couple of hours a week to maintain a website.

Find out more at Cloudways.com

10.  Become a social media manager

A social media manager is like a virtual assistant – only, you focus solely on social media.  So, you might manage someone’s Pinterest account or Facebook account. 

If you are savvy on social media, it is a very good option, because many entrepreneurs hire out for their social media.  It just takes up too much time to do it themselves!

Find out how to get started at Hoot Suite.

11.  Become a graphic designer

With all the online businesses out there, graphic designers have become a hot commodity. 

If you have design skills or experience or want to learn, you can help entrepreneurs design their logos, blog banners, pins, etc.  You can even help them create their brand.

To find out more, visit The Work at Home Woman

12.  Make and sell crafts

crafts to make and sell

If you are crafty, you can make and sell your creations.  You can sell them online, in local stores, or at the farmer’s market. 

Many moms make and sell crafts on Etsy.  In fact, I LOVE shopping on Etsy.  I love homemade items and enjoy supporting other mompreneurs and small family businesses. 

To find out how to get started, visit Twins Mommy.

13.  Provide in-home family childcare

As you probably know, I used to run a daycare.  😁  When I stayed home with my oldest. 

If you love kids, it is a great option for staying home with your kids, but still making some money.  Childcare is hard to find.  Many parents have a tough time finding good, quality childcare.

It’s easy to set yourself apart from the competition too, because so many parents need childcare on the weekends, overnight and in the evenings.  You could focus on education, or social skills, or offer a therapeutic daycare if you have expertise in special education or child therapy.

Here’s an article I wrote about setting yourself apart by focusing on child security.  😉 

If you want to start your own childcare, visit Childcare Aware to find out how.

14.  Open a family hair salon

If you think outside of the box, you can offer almost any service out of your own home.

My mom started her own hair salon in her home. She created a salon adjoining her home, just as you would a garage or anything else, complete with its own salon door.

If you love hair, you could do the same!

To find out how to run a hairdressing business from your own home, visit Salons Direct.

15.  Start an in-home nail business

Likewise, you can do the same as a manicurist or pedicurist. 

To figure out how to get started, visit Biz Fluent

16.  Dog grooming, training, or boarding

I might have to start my own dog training business, after taking my dog training course.  😆  J/K.  Who has time for that?!?

Maybe you do!

If you love animals, and you have plenty of space, you can start your own dog grooming, training, or kenneling service.

There’s a couple of them here in my area, and they are always full!!

Or consider a doggy daycare even.  Some dog parents love to socialize their pups with other dogs.  If you have the space, it’s a great service to offer.

Find out how at Gingrapp.com

17.  Get your real estate license

I actually considered getting my real estate license last year.  😆  I giggle now because I’m perfectly happy doing what I am doing.

But at the time, we were in the process of buying our dream home.  And I noticed that our agent worked from his home, and when he left his home office, he spent his time showing gorgeous homes.  How fun is that?!?

He also did it part-time (he owned rental property as well), which was appealing to me.

If it appeals to you, check out Hub Spot.

18.  Start a photography business

Photography is very popular as a side hustle where I live.  I know a lot of people who have successfully done it.  I even considered doing it, for a while.

Until I realized I didn’t want to work every single weekend, especially in the summer.  (Weddings….)

But it might be perfect for you! If you want to get started, read this post on Photomba.

19.  Refurbish furniture

Another one I’ve considered!  LOL.

Give me some old furniture and chalk paint and let me have at it!!  I’ve also antiqued a dresser for my son’s room.  I’d love to learn and do more.  But sadly, my husband doesn’t have a fondness for refurbished furniture.  He thinks it’s ‘ruining’ it.  🤣😂

If it sounds like fun to you, find out how to get started at Millennial Money Man

20.  Sell farmhouse signs

If you want to change the world go home and love your family.  Mother Theresa

Awww….. 💕  Farmhouse signs.  I love them!

So much so, that I wrote this post:  51 Fun & Inspiring Farm House Signs to Remind You of Your Blessings.

I’ve even tried making my own sign.

It ain’t as easy as it looks!  LOL.  I think I’ll stick to buying them.

But if you have a knack for it, open an Etsy shop and get going!  Find out how at The Money Family.

21.  Become an event planner

Some people are so good at planning things!  If this is you, you could offer event planning as a service.  Trust me – there are many people who suck at it. 🙋🏻‍♀️  Yo!

Some people would rather pay someone else to plan their events than go through that stress themselves.  😅

If you are interested in becoming an event planner, visit Social Tables.

22.  Clean houses

I cleaned houses for exactly one month.  😂 🤣  It seemed like a good gig because I could bring my little man with me. He was just an infant and spent most of his day sleeping.

But even though I love to clean, I quickly learned that I love to clean only my mess.  I was grossed out by other people’s messes!  LOL.

But you might have a stronger stomach than I do!  If you want to start your own cleaning business, drop by Nerd Wallet

23.  Start a flower business

I have a friend who did this.  Her little flower shop grew like weeds!  LOL.  She expanded to décor and collectibles and had to move from her home to a shop in town. She’s doing really well!

If you want to learn how to make money with cut flowers, visit Shifting Roots

24.  Sell soaps & candles

Mmmm….another one of those homemade things that I just love.

A friend of mine makes and sells her own candles out of her home.  I received some this holiday season, and I’m sold!  I love her candles!  And she has this crazy sense of humor too, that she uses to personalize her candles.  😆

If you want to learn how to make and sell candles or soap from home, visit The Logical Dollar

25.  Sell baked goods, garden produce, & canned goods

Where I live, Farmer’s Markets are popular.  And I used to have a HUGE garden.  I loved baking and canning and occasionally thought about selling my products at the Farmer’s Markets.  I never did though.  We ate it all up too fast!

There’s a gal in my neck of the woods who just started selling baked goods out of her home.  Brilliant!  My sister brought a bunch to Christmas.  😁  So nice for those who don’t have time to make something for a gathering or celebration!

But if you are interested in getting started, visit Jot Form.

26.  Become a proofreader or an editor

If you have a knack for the written word, then maybe editing or proofreading is right for you.  It’s pretty easy to get started and doesn’t cost hardly anything! 

To find out how visit The Work at Home Wife.

27.  Sell a digital product

From courses and ebooks to printables and digital planners, you can turn nearly anything into a digital product!  Even cookbooks.

Learn more about selling a digital product at Inc.com

28.  Start an Air B&B

If you have extra room in your house, you could rent out a room or a part of your home.  If you have a lake place or a vacation home, you can rent it out when you aren’t there. 

Small Biz Trends can help you get going if you want to start an air B&B.

29.  Start a catering business

If you are a good cook and love doing it, this is another good one!  I have a very dear friend who runs her own catering business out of her home and has for years.

It’ll keep you hopping, that’s for sure!

Read this post from The Balance to get started.

30.  Write ebooks

If you love to write, but don’t want to start a blog or freelance for others, consider writing a book!  Ebooks have become very popular and are incredibly easy to write.

To get started, visit KimGarst.com.

31. Work-from-home positions

With covid, nearly everything has gone remote.  If none of the options above interest you, you can search nearly any job app and find work-at-home positions. 

To get started, check out Flex Jobs.

At the end of the day….

31 of the best side hustles for sahms

Being a sahm is hard, but it is even harder when you are worried about making ends meet.  Some people are financially well off and able to handle living on one income, and some are not.

If you need to make a little money to help with the family expenses and make ends meet, then these side hustles for stay-at-home moms just might help. 

Keep in mind though, that every one of them is in essence starting your own business. Businesses take work, time, and effort.  They are rarely an overnight success and those early days you’ll be putting in long hours, for free.

But if it means being able to stay home with your kids, then it’s worth it.

More on making money as a stay-at-home mom

How to Make and Manage Money as a Sahm

Online Business Ideas for Stay-at-Home Moms

Online Businesses You Can Start for Super Cheap or Free

Ways to Bring in a Little Extra Money

Quick Ideas to Make Money For Christmas

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