6 of The Best Books on Finding Your Purpose to Live Life Passionately

Are you looking for the best books on finding your purpose in life?  Or, maybe you want to figure out what you are good at.  

I’ve been there, done that!

For the longest time, I struggled to find my purpose in life.  Other than being a mom, I really didn’t know what I was supposed to do with my life.

Which is quite crazy, when you think about it, because I went to school to become a social worker.

However, I wasn’t satisfied at work.  I liked my job and what I did, but I really wanted to be home with my kids more. I loved being a mom and loved being at home, cooking, cleaning, and playing with my boys.

It was a nice, quiet life and I loved the ideal.

But if I was truly honest with myself, I also wanted to be a writer. I was in first grade when I wrote my first book.  🤣😂

I received my first journal at about the same time.  It was cute and girly and had a little lock on it.  My mom gave it to me.

And that is when I fell in love with writing.  From the time I was a little girl, I had always wanted to be a writer.  And a stay-at-home mom.  😆

Neither pays well, though!  😂🤣  So, even though I was all grown up, I still really didn’t know what to do with my life.  Writing and staying home never really seemed like an option.  

It wasn’t practical, that’s for sure!

So, I was always on a quest for ‘my purpose’.

When you are lost and confused, look in a book

the best books on finding your purpose

My favorite way to “search” for my purpose was by reading.  For as long as I can remember, I was an avid reader. I read everything I could get my hands on.  So, I loved books on finding your purpose.

When I was a little girl, I took a book with me everywhere.  Literally everywhere.  If I found myself waiting for someone or something, I pulled out my book to read.  If I was in the car, I was reading.

Every little chance I got, I read.

I remember laying on the living room floor as a young mom, while my son played cars all around me.  I was reading. 

Once I got hooked on a book, I could not put it down.  I HAD to finish it.

So, it made sense that when I felt lost and confused, I’d look in a book.  Even as a little girl, I used to read “self-help” books.  😆  I would literally check out books from the school library on how to do things better. 

They were tiny little instructional books for kids.  “How to be a better listener”, “How to be a better researcher” etc.  I remember one time, I was teased mercilessly by a little boy I had a crush on, for reading “How to take a shower”.  😂😂

Looking back, I probably deserved that one.  🤦🏻‍♀️

How to know you’ve found your purpose

You know you’ve found your purpose when you’ve stopped looking for it.


I found it about, oh, three years or so ago.  😆  One day, I just noticed that I was no longer reading books on finding your purpose, but reading books about blogging.  I guess when you start reading to learn a craft, skill, or trade, it probably means you found what you were looking for.   🤷🏻‍♀️

But because I know what it’s like to be a lost and confused momma, I thought I’d share with you the books I’ve read over the years, my favorite books on finding your purpose. 

Maybe you’ll find your purpose hidden in one of these little gems, and you can start pursuing your own version of happiness in 2022!!

The best books on finding your purpose and passion in life

These are the books that have made an impression on me over the years.  Some I read years ago, and some just recently.  

Also, these links are Amazon links, which means you can purchase the book directly from Amazon.  If you use one of my links, Making Mommas will earn a (very small!) commission from the purchase.  It costs you nothing extra and helps to support the blog.  For more information, see my disclosure statement.

1. Strengths Finder

by Tom Rath

My boss actually had me read Strengths Finder and a similar book, about your color personality.  I didn’t mind the assignment at all, because I love learning more about myself.  My colors are blue and gold, and I can’t remember what my strengths were. Something about caring for people, that I remember.  

But if you are trying to figure out what to do with your life, knowing what your strengths are can really help you!

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2. A Purpose Driven Life

by Rick Warren

In The Purpose Driven Life you’ll find the answers to three of life’s most important questions:

  • The Question of Existence: Why am I alive?
  • The Question of Significance: Does my life matter?
  • The Question of Purpose: What on earth am I here for?

Living out the purpose you were created for moves you beyond survival or success to a life of significance–the life you were meant to live.

This is one of my all-time favorite books.  In fact, writing about it right now makes me want to read it again!  

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3. You are a Bad Ass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

by Jen Sincero

I just read this book, maybe two years ago?  LOVED IT!! Sometimes it’s hard to read self-help books; maybe you don’t get into all that cheesy crap.  (Well, not me…I love it all!)

There’s nothing cheesy in this hilarious look at figuring out your life’s purpose! Jen has a great sense of humor and makes learning about yourself so much fun.

By the end of the book,  you’ll understand why you are how you are, how to love what you can’t change, how to change what you don’t love, and how to use The Force to kick some serious butt.

FYI:  I don’t believe in “the force”.  I substituted God in for everywhere that she talked about “the force” and it helped…a little.

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4. Rhinoceros Success: The Secret to Charging Full Speed Toward Every Opportunity

by Scott Alexander

When I read this book, I actually listened to the audio version.  And I begged to mow the lawn, so that I could go listen to it!  😂 🤣. With six boys, I haven’t had to mow the lawn in oh, about 15 years.  But, mowing the lawn meant I could put my earbuds in and listen uninterrupted!

Rhino Success gives you a choice:  live your life like the lazy, grazing cow, who goes through life meagerly blending in with all of the other cows, or grab life by the rhino horns and charge full speed ahead!  

By the end of the book, you should know how to achieve more and have a better balance in the six major areas of your life: financial, work, physical, family, social and spiritual, all simply by charging forward with no worries or regrets.

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5. Crush It! Why Now is the Time to Cash in on Your Passion

by Gary Vaynerchuck

I started this book quite a while ago, but haven’t finished it. When that happens, it usually means my interests have changed, I’ve already learned what I wanted to learn, or the book wasn’t that good.

In this case, I had a long list of books I wanted to read, and the others just caught my attention more.  I’m definitely going to have to go back and finish this one!

Gary spent years building his family business from a local wine shop into a national industry leader. Then one day he turned on a video camera, and transformed his entire life and earning potential by building his personal brand. In this book, he shows us how to harness the power of the Internet to make our own entrepreneurial dreams come true. 

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6. The One Year Bible

Do you really want to change your life?

Then I challenge you to read The One Year Bible.

This is the ONE book that has changed who I am, inside and out.  

Not only did it help me to find my purpose, but it is helping me to live out my purpose every day of my life.  It has taught me to believe in myself, love myself, and love others.

And, of course, it showed me that there is something bigger than me.

If you can only get one book off of this list, get the One Year Bible.

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At the end of the day….

Our children are our everything.

But sometimes, at the end of the day, momma, we long for something more. Something just for us.

If you find yourself thinking that “there is life out there”, but you don’t really know what it is, or what you should be pursuing, then maybe some of these books can give you a little direction.

Because when you live life with passion and purpose, you live a life that is on fire.  

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