Twice the Blessings

Twins are double the trouble, no doubt.  But twins are also twice the blessings.

The days can be frustrating and exhausting.  It is difficult, to have twins.  I now laugh when someone tells me “I’ve always wanted twins!”  I honestly think to myself, “Do you know what you are asking for?”  It is certainly not a cake-walk.

And then I see other parents who have twins, and I think, “They make it look so easy.  There must be something wrong with me.”  But…then I remember that I have six kids, not two.  The twins just happen to be the youngest. They have a brother just two years older than them.  I have six times the trouble, not twice the trouble!  That makes it more difficult.

But I also have twice the blessings (SIX times the blessings!).  Twins are hard, for sure.  But I wouldn’t trade it for the world.  I absolutely adore my boys – all of them. But there is something uniquely special to be said about twins.

  1. You have a baby for each arm. I’m not sure I could have ever gone back to just one child at a time, if my twins would have been first.  You kind of feel empty with just one child in your arms!
  2. You have a baby for each leg. It’s hard to teach the twins to share your lap. But you have two legs – room for two!  It definitely feels cuddlier.  And complete.
  3. Twins comfort each other.  When they were infants, just being together seemed to calm one if he was crying.  After learning to walk, when one was hurt or sad, the other would run to get his blankie for him.  Now they rub each other’s head or find a favorite toy too.
  4. They entertain each other.  There is nothing cuter than watching them get silly and laugh at each other!
  5. Twins will never be alone. They will always have each other for those scary “firsts” – first day in daycare, first day at school, etc.  Even going to bed at night, in a dark bedroom, it is comforting, knowing they have each other.
  6. Having two is just plain and simply fun. End of story.  I have never laughed so hard!
  7. They feed off of each other, which is highly entertaining. Again, funny!  When one gets silly, the other tries to out-do him.
  8. It is never boring. I remember spending long days home alone with a single child.  It can get boring.  How do you entertain a baby all day?  With two, it is never dull.  The day flies by.
  9. You get two for the price of one.  Not literally, of course.  Everything costs double.  But you had one pregnancy and two babies.  It’s like killing two birds with one stone.  Very efficient!
  10. They learn social skills faster.  I am so impressed with how well my two-year-olds can share.  Yes, two! They share!  Amazing!  Other skills they also already do well:  taking turns, empathy and healthy competition.
  11. They always have a play mate.  They play well together.  I don’t feel as guilty when I have to do the dishes or pay the bills, because they can “go play” together.
  12. They are just plain cute.  No explanation needed.
  13. Your heart is so full of love that it feels like it just might burst.

Do you have twins?  How do you see twice the blessings? Leave a comment and let us know!

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