26 Ways to Spend Quality Time with Your Child This Holiday Season

25 easy ways to squeeze in some time with your kids during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season!

The holidays are so crazy busy for everyone – kids and adults alike!  With all of the hustle and bustle, how do you be sure you spend quality time with your child?

It isn’t easy!  But if you are looking for ways to squeeze in a little quality time, check this list out!

Easy ways to spend time with your kids this Christmas

1. Involve them in as many preparations as you can – gift wrapping, shopping, baking, etc.

2. Eat at least one meal together every day.

3. Pray together every night.

3. Play outside!

And be active – don’t just watch them. Run with them, swing with them, build a snowman with them, etc.

4. Read together.

5. Go sledding, skiing, snowmobiling, or ice skating!

6. Do household chores together, such as the dishes.

7. Play a board game together.

8. Engage your child in free or imaginative play, and then follow his/her lead – play what they want to play.

9. Go for walks together.

10. Go to the Library together.

11. Spend time playing with and talking to your child while he/she is taking a bath.

12. Watch a movie together – the Christmas classics are great!

13. Sing together – or better yet, go Christmas Caroling!

14. Go to church together.

15. Volunteer together or do something nice for someone else together.

16. Play with your cat/dog together.

17. Make something for someone together. Pinterest has wonderful ideas!

18. Visit a family member together.

19. Take a class together, such as quilting or woodworking.

20. Go out to eat, just you and your child.

21. Go to his/her athletic event (basketball, hockey, etc.), concert, or program.

22. Watch Sunday or Monday Night Football together.

23. Cook dinner together.

24. Go for a drive – especially if you have a teenager – it’s the best place to have a good conversation. 🙂

25. And finally, build Christmas traditions together.

Any more ideas? Leave them in the comments!

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